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To pass dynamic data to a bootstrap modal(将动态数据传递给引导模式)



我正在尝试将特定帖子的评论加载到模态框上.为此,我需要将帖子 ID 传递给模态,然后获取相应的评论.模态由以下触发:

I am trying to load the comments of a particular post on a modal. For this I need to pass the post id to the modal and then fetch the corresponding comments. The modal is triggered by the following:

<a class="xyz" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#compose-modal" data-id="<?php echo $list[$i]->getID(); ?>">View Comments</a>


And the modal is defined at the bottom of the page as follows:

<div class="modal fade" id="compose-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="modal-dialog">
        <div class="modal-content">

        <!-- here i need to use php to fetch the comments using post id -->


在页面返回浏览器之前执行PHP.在浏览器中看到该页面后,所有 PHP 都已执行.您可能想要做的是使用 AJAX.以下是您将如何执行此操作的一般大纲:

PHP is executed before the page is returned to the browser. Once you see the page in your browser, all the PHP has already been executed. What you probably want to do is use AJAX. Here is a general outline of how you would do it:

有一个 PHP 页面,该页面接受 ID 并以 JSON 形式返回您想要的数据.

Have a PHP page that takes the ID and returns the data you want as a JSON.


   $theId = $_POST['theId'];

   //Get the information you want, and turn it into an array called $data

   header('Content-Type: application/json');
   echo json_encode($data);

在您的 html 中,您应该使用附加到查看评论"的 onclick 来触发模式:

In your html, you should trigger the modal using an onclick attached to the "View Comments":

<a class="xyz" onclick = "launch_comment_modal(<?php echo $list[$i]->getID(); ?>)">View Comments</a>

然后,在底部使用您的其他 javascript:

then,at the bottom with your other javascript:

    $('#compose-modal').modal({ show: false});

    function launch_comment_modal(id){
          type: "POST",
          url: "api.php",
          data: {theId:id},
          success: function(data){

          //"data" contains a json with your info in it, representing the array you created in PHP. Use $(".modal-content").html() or something like that to put the content into the modal dynamically using jquery.

        $('#compose-modal').modal("show");// this triggers your modal to display





