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Registry design pattern...good or bad?(注册表设计模式......好还是坏?)




The following code is from a tutorial (http://net.tutsplus.com/php/creating-a-php5-framework-part-1/), not mine.


I have a few questions about this code...

  • 文章声称它使用的是注册表设计模式";这是该设计在​​业界的通用名称吗?
  • 还有其他类似的模式会是更好的选择吗?
  • 这种模式是否被认为是在 MVC 框架的上下文中实施的好习惯?

我只是想弄清楚我是否应该在我自己的 MVC 框架实现中使用这种设计模式.谢谢!

I just want to figure out if I should use this design pattern in my own implementation of a MVC framework. Thanks!

 * The PCARegistry object
 * Implements the Registry and Singleton design patterns
 * @version 0.1
 * @author Michael Peacock
class PCARegistry {

 * Our array of objects
 * @access private
private static $objects = array();

 * Our array of settings
 * @access private
private static $settings = array();

 * The frameworks human readable name
 * @access private
private static $frameworkName = 'PCA Framework version 0.1';

 * The instance of the registry
 * @access private
private static $instance;

 * Private constructor to prevent it being created directly
 * @access private
private function __construct()


 * singleton method used to access the object
 * @access public
 * @return 
public static function singleton()
    if( !isset( self::$instance ) )
        $obj = __CLASS__;
        self::$instance = new $obj;

    return self::$instance;

 * prevent cloning of the object: issues an E_USER_ERROR if this is attempted
public function __clone()
    trigger_error( 'Cloning the registry is not permitted', E_USER_ERROR );

 * Stores an object in the registry
 * @param String $object the name of the object
 * @param String $key the key for the array
 * @return void
public function storeObject( $object, $key )
    require_once('objects/' . $object . '.class.php');
    self::$objects[ $key ] = new $object( self::$instance );

 * Gets an object from the registry
 * @param String $key the array key
 * @return object
public function getObject( $key )
    if( is_object ( self::$objects[ $key ] ) )
        return self::$objects[ $key ];

 * Stores settings in the registry
 * @param String $data
 * @param String $key the key for the array
 * @return void
public function storeSetting( $data, $key )
    self::$settings[ $key ] = $data;


 * Gets a setting from the registry
 * @param String $key the key in the array
 * @return void
public function getSetting( $key )
    return self::$settings[ $key ];

 * Gets the frameworks name
 * @return String
public function getFrameworkName()
    return self::$frameworkName;





The article claims it is using the "registry design pattern"; is that the universal name for this design in the industry?

是的,但实施可能明显不同.基本上,注册表是共享对象的容器.在真正基本的版本中,您可以使用数组.因此,变量 $GLOBALS 可以称为注册表.

Yes, but the implementation could obviously differ. Basically, a registry is a container for shared objects. In the really basic version, you could use an array. As such, the variable $GLOBALS could be called a registry.


Is there another similar patter out there that would be a better option?


There are two variations of a registry. There is the global registry (Which is far the most common, and which this is an example of). And there is a local registry. A local registry is passed to objects that need it, rather than obtained through a global symbol (static class, singleton etc.). A local registry has a lower degree of coupling, but is also slightly more abstract, so there is a tradeoff there.


You can also go even further and use full dependency injection, where you explicitly pass all the dependencies to the objects that need them. This can be a bit tedious in larger applications. You can couple this with a dependency injection container, which is a piece of code that "knows" which dependencies which classes have. This is even more complex than a local registry, but has a very low degree of coupling.

这种模式是否被认为是在 MVC 框架的上下文中实施的好习惯?

Is this pattern considered to be good practice to implement in the context of an MVC framework?

这是常见的做法.是好是坏,是一个判断.就我个人而言,我愿意接受一些复杂性来换取解耦,但是 ymmv.

It's common practise. If it's good or bad is a judgement call. Personally I'm willing to accept some complexity in return of decoupling, but ymmv.


