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Web-apps : to framework or not to framework?(Web-apps:框架还是不框架?)



我了解 PHP,并且刚开始使用 MySql(但计划使用 ODBC).我不需要任何解释这一点的书籍.

I know PHP and am just beginning with MySql (but plan to use ODBC). I don't need any books explaining that.


I am probably qualified to develop a simple web site, but aim at taking on quite ambitious apps. I imagine that almost all web apps have some commonality like security, scalability, etc (I have absolutely no idea how to distribute a data base or an app over server servers, for instance).

由于我无法预见我可能开发的应用程序的确切性质(除了 PHP 和 ODBC 将涉及),与框架结合是否有任何意义,或者我是否应该重新发明轮子并对其进行个性化,使其成为我自己的框架.

Since I can't foresee the exact nature of the applications which I might develop (other than that PHP & ODBC will be involved), is there any point in getting married to a framework, or should I just reinvent the wheel and personalize it to make it my own framework.


If an existing framework, then which one? The only help I can give is that I am not likely to do websites, portals, shoppings sites, etc, probably leaning more to asset tracking and data mining.



Using a framework saves you a ton of time and helps you to organise your app mroe logically.

如果应用程序很小,那么像 CodeIgniter 或 Kohana 这样的框架是理想的.

If the app is small then frameworks like CodeIgniter or Kohana are ideal.

如果您正在构建一个需要扩展 Symfony 或可能是 Zend 的更大的应用程序,那么您可以看看.

If you are building a bigger app that needs to scale the Symfony or possiby Zend are the ones to look at.

如果你在 Symfony 中启动你的应用程序,你会立即得到:

If you were to start your app in Symfony you would instanly get:

  • 使用路由重写网址
  • 一个表单框架,用于处理与您的网络表单有关的所有事情
  • 国际化和本地化
  • 发送电子邮件
  • 缓存
  • 管理区域生成器,帮助您快速添加数据
  • 单元测试框架


Plus the whole framework is extendable and custmisable to suit your needs.


Starting without a framework you'd have to write all of this yourself. Or integrate several disparate open source modules.



