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用 PHP 截断浮点数

Truncate float numbers with PHP(用 PHP 截断浮点数)

本文介绍了用 PHP 截断浮点数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



When a float number needs to be truncated to a certain digit after the floating point, it turns out that it is not easy to be done. For example if the truncating has to be done to second digit after the point, the numbers should be

45.8976 => 45.89, 0.0185 => 0.01


( second digit after the point is not rounded according to the third digit after the point ).


Functions like round(), number_format(), sprintf() round the number and print out

45.8976 => 45.90, 0.0185 => 0.02


I have met two solutions and I am wondering if they are good enough and which one is better to be used


function truncNumber( $number, $prec = 2 )
    return bccomp( $number, 0, 10 ) == 0 ? $number : round( $number - pow( 0.1, bcadd(   $prec, 1 ) ) * 5, $prec );


function truncNumber($number, $prec = 2 )
    return sprintf( "%.".$prec."f", floor( $number*pow( 10, $prec ) )/pow( 10, $prec ) );


floor 会按照你的要求去做.

floor will do as you ask.

floor(45.8976 * 100) / 100;

你不会找到更直接的函数,因为这是一种奇怪的问题.通常你会在数学上四舍五入.出于好奇 - 你需要这个做什么?

You won't find a more direct function for this, since it's a kind of odd thing to ask. Normally you'll round mathematically correct. Out of curiosity - What do you need this for?

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本文标题为:用 PHP 截断浮点数
