Can#39;t find ordinal 372 in WAMP/Apache#39;s openssl.exe(在 WAMP/Apache 的 openssl.exe 中找不到序号 372)
我使用的 PHP 框架需要 OpenSSL 来实现各种功能,但是在执行与 OpenSSL 相关的任何内容时,我收到以下错误:在 DLL 文件 C:wamp64inapacheapache2 中找不到序号 372.4.17inopenssl.exe".
The PHP framework I use needs OpenSSL for various features, but when executing anything related to OpenSSL, I get the following error: "Can't find ordinal 372 in DLL-file C:wamp64inapacheapache2.4.17inopenssl.exe".
I don't know how to correct this at all, I looked everywhere already. I'd appreciate the help, as I don't know how to fix this.
To fix the issue, two things are needed:
1) 确保您的 Apache bin 目录中没有 libeay32.dll 和 ssleay32.dll 的符号链接(比如我的是:C:wamp64inapacheapache2.4.23in)
1) Make sure that you don't have symbolic links for libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll in your Apache bin directory (For example, mine is: C:wamp64inapacheapache2.4.23in)
如果您确实有符号链接(即文件大小为 0 字节),则需要从 Apache Lounge 下载 dll.例如,我从位于 https:/的 64 位版本的 Apache 2.4.23 中抓取了两个 .dll 文件/
If you do have symbolic links (i.e. the file size are 0 bytes), you need to download the dlls from Apache Lounge. For example, I grabbed the two .dll files from the 64-bit version of Apache 2.4.23 hosted at
2) 一旦您恢复了实际的 .dll 文件,您需要确保 WampServer 不会覆盖它们.WampServer 3 有一个配置脚本,每次启动时都会运行.在该脚本中,它将用符号链接覆盖那些 .dll.您必须禁用该功能.为此,请注释掉对以下两个文件的引用我的位于第 133 和 139 行).
2) Once you have the actual .dll files restored, you need to make sure that WampServer isn't overwriting them. WampServer 3 has a configuration script that runs every time it starts. In that script it will overwrite those .dlls with symbolic links. You must DISABLE that functionality. To do so, comment out the references to those two files in: (mine were located at lines 133 and 139).
这应该允许您在 Apache 中启用 mod_ssl 模块.在启用 mod_ssl 的情况下使 Apache 正常启动后,您还需要取消注释Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf".(但是,您可能需要删除其中的大部分内容并重新开始,因为它包含许多硬编码路径和错误)
That should allow you to enable the mod_ssl module in Apache. You'll also need to uncomment the "Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf" after you get Apache booting properly with mod_ssl enabled. (However, you'll likely need to delete most of whats in there and start over since it includes lots of hardcoded paths and bugs)
这篇关于在 WAMP/Apache 的 openssl.exe 中找不到序号 372的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:在 WAMP/Apache 的 openssl.exe 中找不到序号 372

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