Forward data from one controller action to other in Yii2(在 Yii2 中将数据从一个控制器动作转发到另一个控制器动作)
是否可以在渲染之前将数据从一个控制器操作转发到另一个控制器操作?基本上,我想现在是否有 Zend _forward 所做的事情?
Is it possible to forward data from one controller action to other before the render? Basically, I want to now if we have something that Zend _forward does?
Here is my scenario. I have a payment gateway that returns data back to my controller action, what I want is to handle data on separate controller/action but render the home page (without redirection). Is it possible to forward control from one controller/action to other ?
在 Yii 2 中,你可以使用这个产生与 forward() 相同的结果:
In Yii 2, you can use this which yields the same result of forward():
Yii::$app->runAction('new_controller/new_action', ['param1'=>'value1', 'param2'=>'value2']);
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本文标题为:在 Yii2 中将数据从一个控制器动作转发到另一个控制器动作
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