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仅向注册用户显示 joomla 文章,如果未登录则显示登录屏幕是

Show a joomla article to registered users only, or a login screen if not logged in yes(仅向注册用户显示 joomla 文章,如果未登录则显示登录屏幕是)

本文介绍了仅向注册用户显示 joomla 文章,如果未登录则显示登录屏幕是的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 1.6 之前的 Joomla 中,我可以将菜单项设置为公开,以及它的内容:例如一篇注册的文章.

In Joomla prior to 1.6 i could set a menu-item to public, and its contents: an article for example to registered.


This lead to a situation where people could see the link to an article in the menu when not logged in, but got a login component whenever they clicked it. And after that they saw the article.

在 1.7 中,这些相同的操作会导致当我单击链接时组件屏幕保持空白的情况.

In 1.7 these same actions lead to a situation where when I click the link the component screen just stays empty.

当前端用户没有以足够的权限登录时,如何让注册的文章显示登录屏幕? 以前很容易,但我似乎无法让它工作现在.

How do I get registered articles to show a login screen when the front end user is not logged in with sufficient rights? It was soo easy before and I can't seem to get it to work now.



Im gonna answer my own question, because Im sure people will need this in the future, and my solution only involves a few rules of extra code and then you can set every article etc... to Registered and you'll see a login field when a user is not logged in.

在你的模板 index.php 中,将它放在靠近顶部的位置,它可以获得你文章的访问级​​别.

In your templates index.php place this near the top, it gets your article's access level.

$article =& JTable::getInstance("content");
$cAccLevel = $article->get("access");

然后在您的组件上方添加一个模块位置,并且仅在您需要的访问级别> 1 时才显示它

Then add a module position above your component, and only show it when your needed access level is > 1

<?php if($cAccLevel > 1): ?>
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="LOGIN_MODULE_POSITION" />
<?php endif; ?>

然后在模块管理器中将登录模块添加到 LOGIN_MODULE_POSITION.

Then add a login module in your module manager to LOGIN_MODULE_POSITION.


Voila... no routing needed etc... everything works out of the box, I chose to style away the logout box and action field like this:



这篇关于仅向注册用户显示 joomla 文章,如果未登录则显示登录屏幕是的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:仅向注册用户显示 joomla 文章,如果未登录则显示登录屏幕是
