Check if PHP session has already started(检查 PHP 会话是否已经开始)
I have a PHP file that is sometimes called from a page that has started a session and sometimes from a page that doesn't have session started. Therefore when I have session_start()
on this script I sometimes get the error message for "session already started". For that I've put these lines:
but this time I got this warning message:
Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION
Is there a better way to check if session has already started?
If I use @session_start
will it make things work properly and just shut up the warnings?
Recommended way for versions of PHP >= 5.4.0 , PHP 7
if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
For versions of PHP < 5.4.0
if(session_id() == '') {
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本文标题为:检查 PHP 会话是否已经开始
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