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通过 addlashes() 进行 SQL 注入的示例?

Examples of SQL Injections through addslashes()?(通过 addlashes() 进行 SQL 注入的示例?)

本文介绍了通过 addlashes() 进行 SQL 注入的示例?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 PHP 中,我知道 mysql_real_escape 比使用 addslashes 安全得多.但是,我找不到 addslashes 会导致 SQL 注入发生的示例.

In PHP, I know that mysql_real_escape is much safer than using addslashes. However, I could not find an example of a situation where addslashes would let an SQL Injection happen.




基本上,攻击的工作方式是让 addslashes() 将反斜杠放在多字节字符的中间,这样反斜杠就会因为成为有效多字节序列的一部分而失去意义.

Basically, the way the attack works is by getting addslashes() to put a backslash in the middle of a multibyte character such that the backslash loses its meaning by being part of a valid multibyte sequence.


这种类型的攻击对于任何字符编码都是可能的有一个以 0x5c 结尾的有效多字节字符,因为addslashes() 可以被欺骗来创建一个有效的多字节字符而不是转义后面的单引号.UTF-8 不适合这个描述.

This type of attack is possible with any character encoding where there is a valid multi-byte character that ends in 0x5c, because addslashes() can be tricked into creating a valid multi-byte character instead of escaping the single quote that follows. UTF-8 does not fit this description.

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本文标题为:通过 addlashes() 进行 SQL 注入的示例?
