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Laravel 5 单元测试 - 在 null 上调用成员函数 connection()

Laravel 5 Unit Test - Call to a member function connection() on null(Laravel 5 单元测试 - 在 null 上调用成员函数 connection())

本文介绍了Laravel 5 单元测试 - 在 null 上调用成员函数 connection()的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我尝试为我的 UserShop 模型之间的关系创建单元测试,但是当我运行 vendor\bin\phpunit 抛出此错误,我对此一无所知,因为我是单元测试的新手.我试图在我的控制器上运行我的代码以查看关系是否真的有效,幸运的是它按预期工作,但在 phpunit 中运行时却没有.我做错了什么让这个 phpunit 不能与模型一起工作?

I tried creating a unit test for the relationships between my User and Shop models, however when I run vendor\bin\phpunit this error(s) are thrown, I have no idea about this since I'm a newbie in unit testing. I tried to run my code on my controller to see if the relationship actually works, and fortunately it is working as expected, but not when run in phpunit. What have I done wrong for this phpunit not to work with Models?

致命错误: 未捕获错误:在 E:projects ryvendorlaravel 中调用一个成员函数 connection() on nullframeworksrcIlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel.php:1013

堆栈跟踪:E:projects ryvendorlaravelframeworksrcIlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel.php(979): IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel::resolveConnection(NULL)

这是我的 UserTest.php

This is my UserTest.php


namespace TestsUnit;

use TestsTestCase;
use IlluminateFoundationTestingDatabaseMigrations;
use IlluminateFoundationTestingDatabaseTransactions;

use AppUser;
use AppShop;

class UserTest extends TestCase

    protected $user, $shop;

    function __construct()
    function setUp()
        $user = new User([
            'id' => 1,
            'first_name' => 'John',
            'last_name' => 'Doe',
            'email' => 'JohnDoe@example.com',
            'password' => 'secret',
            'facebook_id' => null,
            'type' => 'customer',
            'confirmation_code' => null,
            'newsletter_subscription' => 0,
            'last_online' => null,
            'telephone' => null,
            'mobile' => null,
            'social_security_id' => null,
            'address_1' => null,
            'address_2' => null,
            'city' => null,
            'zip_code' => null,
            'signed_agreement' => 0,
            'is_email_confirmed' => 0

        $user = User::find(1);
        $shop = new Shop([
            'id' => 1,
            'user_id' => $user->id,
            'name' => 'PureFoods Hotdog2',
            'description' => 'Something that describes this shop',
            'url' => null,
            'currency' => 'USD'

        $shop = new Shop([
            'id' => 2,
            'user_id' => $user->id,
            'name' => 'PureFoods Hotdog',
            'description' => 'Something that describes this shop',
            'url' => null,
            'currency' => 'USD'


        $this->user = $user;


    /** @test */
    public function a_user_has_an_id(){
        $user =  User::find(1);
        $this->assertEquals(1, $user->id);

    /** @test */
    public function a_user_has_a_first_name()
        $this->assertEquals("John", $this->user->first_name);

    /** @test */
    public function a_user_can_own_multiple_shops()
        $shops = User::find(1)->shops()->get();
        $this->assertCount(2, $shops);

看来,这个错误是由这行代码引起的:$user->shops()->save($shop); - 此代码在我的示例路由或控制器中运行时实际上有效,但在运行时抛出 errorsphpunit

It seems, this error is caused by this line of code: $user->shops()->save($shop); - this code actually works when run in my sample routes or Controller but is throwing errors when run in phpunit



namespace App;

use IlluminateNotificationsNotifiable;
use IlluminateFoundationAuthUser as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Notifiable;

    protected $guarded = [ 'id' ];
    protected $table = "users";   

     * The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
     * @var array
    protected $hidden = [
        'password', 'remember_token',

     * returns the Shops that this user owned
    public function shops()
        return $this->hasMany('AppShop');



namespace App;

use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;

class Shop extends Model
    protected $guarded = [ 'id' ];
    protected $table = "shops";

     * returns the Owner of this Shop
    public function owner()
        return $this->belongsTo('AppUser');


Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks!



First of all, setUp() is called before every test, so you shouldn't call it from within the constructor

其次,您应该在 setUp() 中调用 parent::setUp()初始化应用实例.

Second of all, you should call the parent::setUp() in your setUp() to initialize the app instance.

这篇关于Laravel 5 单元测试 - 在 null 上调用成员函数 connection()的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:Laravel 5 单元测试 - 在 null 上调用成员函数 connection()
