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将变量传递给 PhpUnit

Pass variable to PhpUnit(将变量传递给 PhpUnit)

本文介绍了将变量传递给 PhpUnit的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用 phpunit 开发了一组测试用例,用于测试开发站点和生产站点.唯一的区别是域名.如何将域从命令行传递到 phpunit 测试用例,这样我就不需要修改每个文件?

I developed a set of test cases using phpunit used for testing both development site and the production site. The only difference is the domain name. How can I pass the domain from command line to phpunit test cases so that I do not need to modify every file?


在你的 phpunit-bootstrap.php 你可以这样做:

In your phpunit-bootstrap.php you can do something like this:

$site = getenv('DOMAIN');


  <env name="DOMAIN" value="http://production.com"/>

在您的 phpunit.xml 文件中 如文档中所示.

in your phpunit.xml file as shown in the documentation.

这种方法的缺点是您需要有两个不同的 xml 文件.

The downside of this approach is that you need to have two different xml files.

其他选项在 phpunit 周围使用自定义包装脚本,如 @DavidHarkness 所展示的,这往往效果很好

Other options are using a custom wrapper script around phpunit like @DavidHarkness showed which tends to work out well


or, if you don't want to run those tests in an automated way (or use both approaches) to do something like:

$site = getenv('DOMAIN');
if(!$site) {
    echo "Enter Domain: ";
    $site = fgets(STDIN);


and have the runner check the environment and if nothing is there ask you for the domain.

几乎所有 php 可以从外部世界获取输入的方式都是如此.

The same goes for pretty much every way that php can take in input from the outside world.

  <define name="DOMAIN" value="http://production.com"/>


also works in case you are using a constant anyways, for example.

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本文标题为:将变量传递给 PhpUnit
