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@runInSeparateProcess 时出现反序列化错误

Unserialize error when @runInSeparateProcess(@runInSeparateProcess 时出现反序列化错误)

本文介绍了@runInSeparateProcess 时出现反序列化错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在实现一个模块,该模块将提供一个 API 来处理和管理 PHP 会话.我正在测试 SessionManager 实现,该实现将允许用户启动会话、设置 ID、获取 ID、销毁会话等.我正在使用 PHPUnit 在单独的进程中测试此类中的方法@runInSeparateProcess 注释.当我使用这个注释时,由于反序列化错误,我得到了 PHPUnit 抛出的异常.当我不使用注释时,测试按预期运行,并且在 null 不等于 false 时失败.

I am implementing a module that will provide an API to work with and manage PHP sessions. I am testing the SessionManager implementation that will allow users to start sessions, set IDs, get IDs, destroy sessions, etc. I am testing the methods in this class in a separate process, by using PHPUnit's @runInSeparateProcess annotation. When I use this annotation I get an exception thrown by PHPUnit due to an unserialization error. When I do not use the annotation the test runs as expected and fails on null not being equal to false.


Here's the test causing the error. So far no implementation details have been made, all methods for the interface exist but perform no operations.

class ManagerTest extends PHPUnitTestCase {

     * Ensures that if the session has not been started yet the sessionExists
     * method returns false.
     * @runInSeparateProcess
    public function testSessionExistsWhenSessionHasNotBeenStarted() {
        $Manager = new SessionManager();


我能够将问题追溯到以下 PHPUnit_Util_PHP::runJob() 方法.我正在运行 PHPUnit 3.7.5 并且被调用的 runJob 方法是:

I was able to trace the problem down to the following PHPUnit_Util_PHP::runJob() method. I am running PHPUnit 3.7.5 and the runJob method being invoked is:

 * Runs a single job (PHP code) using a separate PHP process.
 * @param  string                       $job
 * @param  PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase   $test
 * @param  PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult $result
 * @return array|null
 * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_Exception
public function runJob($job, PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test = NULL, PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult $result = NULL)
    $process = proc_open(
        0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
        1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
        2 => array('pipe', 'w')

    if (!is_resource($process)) {
        throw new PHPUnit_Framework_Exception(
          'Unable to create process for process isolation.'

    if ($result !== NULL) {

    $this->process($pipes[0], $job);

    $stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);

    $stderr = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);


    if ($result !== NULL) {
        $this->processChildResult($test, $result, $stdout, $stderr);
    } else {
        return array('stdout' => $stdout, 'stderr' => $stderr);

$stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); 行导致 $stdout 等于一长串 ?.在 $this->processChildResult 中,$stdout 中的值未序列化,传递给此函数的无效值会触发警告,从而引发异常.我还能够确定 $this->getPhpBinary() 的返回值是 /usr/bin/php.

The line $stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); results in $stdout being equal to a long string of ?. In $this->processChildResult the value in $stdout is unserialized and the invalid value passed to this function triggers a warning, resulting in an exception being thrown. I've also been able to determine that the return value of $this->getPhpBinary() is /usr/bin/php.


PHPUnit_Framework_Exception: ???...???"*???...??

Caused by
ErrorException: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 10081 bytes

感谢 hek2mgl,$job 中的 PHP 代码可以在 这里查看$job 上的 var_dump 的输出.我创建了一个链接,因为它是相当多的代码,而且这个问题已经很长了.

Thanks to hek2mgl the PHP code in $job can be reviewed at this gist holding the output of a var_dump on $job. I created a link as it is a fair amount of code and this question is already quite long.

我对这个特定领域的知识已经到了尽头,不知道如何进一步调试这个问题.我不确定为什么 @runInSeparateProcess 失败以及为什么运行单独进程的 $stdout 会导致一长串 ?分数.什么可能导致此问题,我该如何解决?我对这个模块处于停滞状态,因为未来的测试需要在单独的进程中运行,以确保会话的启动和销毁不会影响测试.

I've reached the end of my knowledge for this particular domain and not sure how go about debugging this problem further. I'm not sure why the @runInSeparateProcess is failing and why the $stdout from running a separate process results in a long string of ? marks. What might be causing this issue and how could I go about resolving it? I'm at a standstill for this module as future tests will require running in a separate process to ensure sessions being started and destroyed don't impact tests.

  • PHP:5.3.15
  • PHPUnit:3.7.5
  • 在 IDE 和命令行测试运行程序中导致错误



Ok, I figured out what is going on here and boy is it a doozy.

在测试期间,框架会尝试保留全局状态.在 PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::run() 函数中,当前的全局变量由 PHPUnit_Util_GlobalState::getGlobalsAsString() 转换为 PHP 代码字符串.我目前正在使用自动加载库来处理需要适当的类文件.此类在全局范围内的变量中声明,导致将该对象的序列化放入由 getGlobalsAsString() 创建的 $GLOBALS 数组中.无论出于何种原因,此序列化都包含空字节字符 u0000.当您尝试反序列化时,您会收到错误并最终导致输出也损坏.

During testing the framework attempts to preserve global state. In the PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::run() function the current globals are converted into a string of PHP code by PHPUnit_Util_GlobalState::getGlobalsAsString(). I am currently using an autoloading library to take care of requiring appropriate class files. This class was declared in a variable that was in the global scope, causing a serialization of that object to be put into the $GLOBALS array created by getGlobalsAsString(). This serialization, for whatever reason, includes the null byte character u0000. When you attempt to unserialize this you get an error and is ultimately causing the output to be corrupted as well.

我通过在我的测试引导程序中创建一个函数来解决此问题,该函数在全局范围之外创建自动加载对象.现在脚本不再尝试反序列化空字节,脚本不会产生错误并且测试用例按预期工作.这是一个非常有趣的问题,不确定是我的代码、PHPUnit 的代码中的错误还是 serialize 函数的内部错误.

I fixed this issue by create a function in my test bootstrap that creates the autoloading object outside of the global scope. Now that the script is no longer attempting to unserialize a null byte the script produces no errors and the test case works as expected. This is a really funky issue, not sure if its an error in my code, PHPUnit's code or an internal error with the serialize function.

或者,您可以覆盖测试用例中的 run() 函数,并将测试用例显式设置为不保留全局状态.这可能是一个更简洁的解决方案,因为您很容易遇到其他问题,即按照默认行为再次要求所有包含的文件.

Alternatively you can override the run() function in your test case and explicitly set the test case to not preserve global state. This is probably a cleaner solution as you could easily run into other issues with requiring all included files again as is the default behavior.

class ManagerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

    public function run(PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult $result = null) {


全局状态必须在 PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::run() 函数被调用之前设置.这可能是正确设置全局状态保存的唯一方法.

Global state must be set before the PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::run() function is invoked. This is likely the only way to reliably set the global state preservation properly.

这篇关于@runInSeparateProcess 时出现反序列化错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:@runInSeparateProcess 时出现反序列化错误
