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检查是否在没有传递任何参数的情况下调用了 mock 的方法(在 phpunit 中)

Check that mock#39;s method is called without any parameters passed (in phpunit)(检查是否在没有传递任何参数的情况下调用了 mock 的方法(在 phpunit 中))

本文介绍了检查是否在没有传递任何参数的情况下调用了 mock 的方法(在 phpunit 中)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 phpunit 中我们可以指定具体调用的方法

In phpunit we can specify the method was called with particular






But is there a way to specify that the method has been called without parameters at all?


This is the test I expect to fail:

public function testZ()
    $a = $this->getMock('q');

        ->with(); // <--- what constraint to specify here?




The question has theoretical nature, so I have no any real life example. Some case it could be useful I can think of right now is:

public function testMe($object)

让我们假设 testMe 应该(根据设计和要求)始终调用不带参数的方法(假设 foo() 具有默认参数).因为在这种情况下,任何非默认参数(更准确地说:任何参数 != 到默认参数,我们还不知道并且可能会独立更改)都会导致致命的后果.

And let's assume that testMe should (by design and by requirements) always call the method without parameters (assuming foo() has default ones). Because any non-default parameter (more precise: any parameter != to default one, which we don't know yet and which probably could change independently) in this case causes fatal consequences.


虽然 rdlowrey 是正确的,with() 没有规定检查没有传递的参数,但问题不在于使用 PHPUnit,但使用 PHP 本身.

While rdlowrey is correct that with() doesn't make provisions for checking for no arguments passed, the problem doesn't lie with PHPUnit but PHP itself.


First, if your method doesn't provide default values, the interpreter will raise a fatal error if you don't pass any parameters. This is expected and not entirely relevant to the question at hand, but it's important to state up front.

其次,如果您的方法确实提供了默认值,那么在不带参数的情况下调用该方法将导致 PHP 在 PHPUnit 参与传递默认值之前更改调用.这是一个简单的测试,演示 PHP 在 PHP 可以检查参数之前插入自身.认识到 PHP 创建的模拟类与模拟类具有相同的签名(包括默认值)是关键.

Second, if your method does provide default values, calling the method without arguments will cause PHP to alter the call before PHPUnit gets involved to pass the defaults instead. Here's a simple test that demonstrates PHP inserting itself before PHP can check the parameters. It's key to realize that the mock class that PHP creates has the same signature as the mocked class--including the defaults.

class MockTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
        public function test() {
                $mock = $this->getMock('Foo', array('bar'));
                     ->with()    // does nothing, but it doesn't matter
                self::assertEquals('foobar', $mock->bar());  // PHP inserts 1 and 2
                // assertion fails because 1 != 'foobar'

class Foo {
        public function bar($x = 1, $y = 2) {
                return $x + $y;


This means you can verify that either nothing was passed or the default values were passed, but you cannot be more specific.


Can you get around this limitation? You can remove default values from arguments when overriding methods, so you should be able to create a subclass and mock it. Is it worth it? My initial gut reaction is that this is a huge code smell. Either your design or your tests are doing the Wrong Thing(tm).


If you can provide a real-world, concrete example where you actually need to do this kind of test, it's worth spending some time pondering a solution. Until then, I'm satisfied with the purely academic answer of "don't do that." :)

这篇关于检查是否在没有传递任何参数的情况下调用了 mock 的方法(在 phpunit 中)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:检查是否在没有传递任何参数的情况下调用了 mock 的方法(在 phpunit 中)
