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您的 PHP MySQL 库版本与您的 MySQL 服务器版本不同

Your PHP MySQL library version differs from your MySQL server version(您的 PHP MySQL 库版本与您的 MySQL 服务器版本不同)

本文介绍了您的 PHP MySQL 库版本与您的 MySQL 服务器版本不同的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我最近将我的 Debian 5.0.4 服务器上的 MySQL 升级到了 5.1.现在 phpMyAdmin 显示以下警告:

I've recently upgraded MySQL on my Debian 5.0.4 server to 5.1. Now phpMyAdmin shows the following warning:

您的 PHP MySQL 库版本 5.0.51a 与您的 MySQL 服务器版本 5.1.43 不同


Is it likely to cause any problems?



  • 您使用的是 MySQL 服务器的 5.1.43 版
  • 但是 PHP 用来与该服务器通信的库 已编译为与 MySQL 的 5.0.x 版通信.
  • You are using version 5.1.43 of MySQL server
  • But that the library that's used by PHP to communicate with that server has been compiled to communicate with a version 5.0.x of MySQL.

理论上,这不会造成任何实际问题:次要版本往往是兼容的;但您可能需要更新 PHP 使用的库;也许像libmysql"这样的包,或者类似的东西(我没有Debian机器)

In theory, this should not cause any real problem : minor versions tend to be compatible ; but you might need to update the library that's used by PHP ; maybe some package like "libmysql", or something like that (I don't have a Debian machine)

如果您想让该警告消失(即使我不确定它是否真的会导致任何大问题),您必须更新 PHP 组件,即用于与 MySQL 通信.

If you want to make that warning disappear (even if I'm not sure it could really cause any big problem), you'll have to update the PHP component that is used to communicate with MySQL.
Note : With the dependancies, it might not be that easy, actually, to upgrade just one package...

我会说你必须更新类似 php5-mysql 的东西;这意味着:

I would say that you'd have to update something like php5-mysql ; which means :

apt-get install php5-mysql

(根据 此页面 - 除其他外 - 要更新单个包,您必须使用 install)

(According to this page -- amongst others -- to update a single package, your must use install)

如果您使用的是 aptitude,而不是 apt-get... 不确定应该使用哪个选项来仅更新一个软件包;不过,aptitude safe-upgrade 应该会向您显示它将升级的软件包列表,这将允许您决定是否要继续...

If you are using aptitude, and not apt-get... Not sure about the right option that you should use to update only one package ; still, aptitude safe-upgrade should present you with a list of packages it will upgrade, which will allow you to decide whether or not you wish to continue...

但是您在对另一个答案的评论中说,Debian 默认附带 MySQL 5.0——这意味着 PHP 的官方"模块可能是针对 libmysql 5.0 而不是 libmysql 5.1 编译的.

But you said in a comment to another answer that Debian ships by default with MySQL 5.0 -- which means the "official" module for PHP is probably compiled against libmysql 5.0, and not libmysql 5.1.


To solve that problem, you'll have to either :

  • 找到一个提供 PHP 的存储库(或者,至少,mysql 扩展)针对 libmysql 5.1 编译
  • 重新编译 PHP 和/或 mysql 扩展针对您系统上当前使用的 libmysql 版本——即 libmysql 5.1
  • Find a repository that provides PHP (or, at least, the mysql extension) compiled against libmysql 5.1
  • Or re-compile PHP and/or the mysql extension against the version of libmysql that's currently used on your system -- i.e. libmysql 5.1

这篇关于您的 PHP MySQL 库版本与您的 MySQL 服务器版本不同的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:您的 PHP MySQL 库版本与您的 MySQL 服务器版本不同
