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具有公共访问权限的 Web 应用程序的 Google OAuth 2.0 刷新令牌

Google OAuth 2.0 refresh token for web application with public access(具有公共访问权限的 Web 应用程序的 Google OAuth 2.0 刷新令牌)

本文介绍了具有公共访问权限的 Web 应用程序的 Google OAuth 2.0 刷新令牌的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


I'm getting the following error:

The OAuth 2.0 access token has expired, and a refresh token is not available. Refresh tokens are not returned for responses that were auto-approved

I have a web application which only my server will be accessing, the initial auth works fine, but after an hour, the aforementioned error message pops up. My script looks like this:

require_once 'Google/Client.php';     
require_once 'Google/Service/Analytics.php';       

$client = new Google_Client();

if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
    $_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
    $redirect = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    header('Location: ' . filter_var($redirect, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));

if (!$client->getAccessToken() && !isset($_SESSION['token'])) {
    $authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl();
    print "<a class='login' href='$authUrl'>Connect Me!</a>";

How can I set up a refresh token for this?

Edit 1: I've tried doing this with a Service account as well. I followed the documentation available on GitHub:


My script looks like this:

include_once "templates/base.php";
require_once 'Google/Client.php';
require_once 'Google/Service/Gmail.php';
$client_id = '{MY_CLIENT_ID}.apps.googleusercontent.com'; 
$service_account_name = '{MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS}@developer.gserviceaccount.com ';
$key_file_location = 'Google/{MY_KEY_FILE}.p12';
echo pageHeader("Service Account Access");
    if ($client_id == ''
|| !strlen($service_account_name)
|| !strlen($key_file_location)) {
  echo missingServiceAccountDetailsWarning();
$client = new Google_Client();
$service = new Google_Service_Gmail($client);
if (isset($_SESSION['service_token'])) {
$key = file_get_contents($key_file_location);
$cred = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
if($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {

This returns the following message:

Error refreshing the OAuth2 token, message: '{ "error" : "invalid_grant" }''

After tracking this code to it's source, which can be found in Google/Auth/OAuth2.php

The method in question, refreshTokenRequest:

private function refreshTokenRequest($params)
    $http = new Google_Http_Request(
    $request = $this->client->getIo()->makeRequest($http);

    $code = $request->getResponseHttpCode();
    $body = $request->getResponseBody();
    if (200 == $code) {
      $token = json_decode($body, true);
      if ($token == null) {
        throw new Google_Auth_Exception("Could not json decode the access token");

      if (! isset($token['access_token']) || ! isset($token['expires_in']))     {
        throw new Google_Auth_Exception("Invalid token format");

      if (isset($token['id_token'])) {
        $this->token['id_token'] = $token['id_token'];
      $this->token['access_token'] = $token['access_token'];
      $this->token['expires_in'] = $token['expires_in'];
      $this->token['created'] = time();
    } else {
      throw new Google_Auth_Exception("Error refreshing the OAuth2 token, message: '$body'", $code);

Which means that the $code variable is NULL. I found this post on SO:

Error refreshing the OAuth2 token { "error" : "invalid_grant" }

And can see that there is still no prefered solution. This is driving me nuts. There is very little to no documentation available on this and if anybody has a solution, I'm sure I'm not the only one looking for it.


Each access_token expires after a few seconds and need to be refreshed by refresh_token, "Offline access" is what you are looking for. Here you can follow the documentation:


To obtain a refresh_token you have to run this code only one time:

require_once 'Google/Client.php';

$client = new Google_Client();
//next two line added to obtain refresh_token

if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
    $credentials = $client->authenticate($_GET['code']);  

    /*TODO: Store $credentials somewhere secure */

} else {
    $authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl();
    print "<a class='login' href='$authUrl'>Connect Me!</a>";

$credentials includes an access token and a refresh token. You have to store this to obtain new access tokens at any time. So when you wanted to make a call to api:

require_once 'Google/Client.php';
require_once 'Google/Service/Gmail.php';

/*TODO: get stored $credentials */

$client = new Google_Client();

$service = new Google_Service_Gmail($client);

这篇关于具有公共访问权限的 Web 应用程序的 Google OAuth 2.0 刷新令牌的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:具有公共访问权限的 Web 应用程序的 Google OAuth 2.0 刷新令牌
