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我应该如何将用户的 LDAP 密码存储在 cookie 中?

How should I store a user#39;s LDAP password in a cookie?(我应该如何将用户的 LDAP 密码存储在 cookie 中?)

本文介绍了我应该如何将用户的 LDAP 密码存储在 cookie 中?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所以我有了这个黑盒认证方法,是账户人传给我的,基本上相当于ldap_bind($connection, $username, $password).但当然,我希望我的用户能够一次登录 30 天.

So I have this black box authentication method, handed down to me from the accounts people, which basically amounts to ldap_bind($connection, $username, $password). But of course, I want my users to be able to log in for, say, 30 days at a time.

处理此问题的简单但不安全的方法是将用户名和密码存储在纯文本 cookie 中,然后在每次用户访问时使用我的黑匣子验证它们.

The naive but insecure way to handle this is to store the username and password in plaintext cookies, then validate these using my black box every time the user visits.

通常可行但由于我的黑匣子而无法使用的方法是将用户的密码存储在数据库中(或将其存储为散列?),并将散列后的版本存储在 cookie 中,然后比较值.这在这里不起作用,因为我的黑匣子需要实际密码,而不是散列密码.

The way that usually works but doesn't because of my black box is to store the user's password in the database (or store it hashed?), and store the hashed version in the cookie, and then compare the values. This doesn't work here since my black box demands the actual password, not a hashed password.


My current thought is some kind of encryption (as opposed to hashing). But since this is obviously a common problem, I thought I'd best ask around first to see if there's a better solution lying around, or if not, what you would suggest for the encryption/decryption method.



This will not really answer your question, but you should NOT store your users passwords, not even encrypted.

如果您真的必须这样做,并且用户明白您正在这样做.然后将密码存储在应用程序的数据库中(当然是加密的),然后向用户发送带有哈希的 cookie.当用户想要登录时,将哈希值与您存储的内容进行比较,然后才将未加密的密码发送到 ldap.永远不要将密码(甚至没有加密)发送到用户的机器.

If you really really have to do it, and the users understand that you are doing it. then store the password in a database of your application (encrypted, of course) and then send the user a cookie with a hash. When the user wants to login, compare the hash to what you stored and only then send the unencrypted password to the ldap. Never send the password (not even encrypted) to the user's machine.

同样,这是一个非常糟糕的做法.如果 ldap 不允许您存储会话/密码,那么这可能是有充分理由的.

Again, this is a very bad practice. if the ldap does not allow you store sessions/passwords then there is probably a good reason for this.

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本文标题为:我应该如何将用户的 LDAP 密码存储在 cookie 中?
