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PHP 是否允许修改当前文件夹中的 .htaccess 文件?

Is PHP allowed to modify .htaccess file in current folder?(PHP 是否允许修改当前文件夹中的 .htaccess 文件?)

本文介绍了PHP 是否允许修改当前文件夹中的 .htaccess 文件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在共享主机上有一个 PHP 网络应用程序.我的目标是在 PHP 页面运行时从 PHP 代码修改 .htaccess 文件.我需要 .htaccess 将几行 mod_rewrite 插入其中.

I have a PHP web app located on shared hosting. My goal is to modify .htaccess file from PHP code when the PHP page is running. I need that .htaccess to insert a couple of mod_rewrite lines into it.

问题是在Windows+Apache上我可以动态修改.htaccess文件但是当我尝试以任何方式访问此文件时,Linux 上的相同代码会报告问题方式(复制或 fopen):

The problem is that on Windows+Apache I can dynamically modify .htaccess file but the same code on Linux reports a problem when I try to access this file in any way (copy or fopen):


我给了 .htaccess 文件 777 权限 - 仍然没有结果.是什么阻止我这样做?我该如何制定解决方法?

I have given .htaccess file 777 permissions - still no result. WHat prevents me from doing this? How can I develop a workaround?

附言我最初的目标是能够在 .htaccess 中添加一个新的 RewriteRule 来映射一个新添加的 category_id 和新的 category_name.

P.S. My initial goal was to be able to add a new RewriteRule into .htaccess that maps a newly added category_id with new category_name.

如果不是共享主机,我会使用 RewriteMap(在主 Apache 配置中)之类的东西,并且能够访问地图文件.

If it wasn't shared hosting, I would use something like RewriteMap (in main Apache config) and would be able to access the map file.

这是我无法使用 PHP+Apache 解决的第一个真正的限制,但我希望它也可以避免.

This is the first real limitation I've been unable to tackle with PHP+Apache, but I hope it's circuventable too.



I want to suggest something else that also works. Instead of writing a rule for every 'special' url, why not use one for all?

我发现使用 wordpress 使用起来要容易得多:每个 url 都被重定向到索引.

I found it a whole lot easier to use what wordpress uses: every url is redirected to the index.

您所要做的就是设置索引文件,读取加载的目录(可能使用 $_SERVER['URI_REQUEST']),然后处理它.

All you have to do is, set up the index file, read in the directory that was loaded (perhaps using $_SERVER['URI_REQUEST']), and deal with it.


add to .htaccess this:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

多亏了那个笨蛋,你才有了一个可以随意使用的系统.如果您想重命名您的类别 url,或添加另一个特殊情况,它已经准备好了!

Thanks to that chunck you have a system somewhat unlimited at your disposal. If you ever feel like renaming you categrory url, or add another special case, it's already ready!

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本文标题为:PHP 是否允许修改当前文件夹中的 .htaccess 文件?
