是否有标准化输出的 numpy 自相关函数?

Is there any numpy autocorrellation function with standardized output?(是否有标准化输出的 numpy 自相关函数?)

本文介绍了是否有标准化输出的 numpy 自相关函数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I followed the advice of defining the autocorrelation function in another post:

def autocorr(x):
    result = np.correlate(x, x, mode = 'full')
    maxcorr = np.argmax(result)
    #print 'maximum = ', result[maxcorr]
    result = result / result[maxcorr]     # <=== normalization

    return result[result.size/2:]

但是最大值不是1.0".因此我引入了标记为<=== normalization"

however the maximum value was not "1.0". therefore I introduced the line tagged with "<=== normalization"

我在时间序列分析"(Box - Jenkins)第 2 章的数据集上尝试了该函数.我希望得到如图所示的结果.2.7 在那本书里.但是我得到了以下内容:

I tried the function with the dataset of "Time series analysis" (Box - Jenkins) chapter 2. I expected to get a result like fig. 2.7 in that book. However I got the following:


anybody has an explanation for this strange not expected behaviour of autocorrelation?


Addition (2012-09-07):

我进入了 Python - 编程并做了以下事情:

I got into Python - programming and did the following:

from ClimateUtilities import *
import phys

# the above imports are from R.T.Pierrehumbert's book "principles of planetary 
# climate" 
# and the homepage of that book at "cambridge University press" ... they mostly  
# define   the
# class "Curve()" used in the below section which is not necessary in order to solve 
# my 
# numpy-problem ... :)
import numpy as np;
import scipy.spatial.distance;

# functions to be defined ... :
def autocorr(x):
    result = np.correlate(x, x, mode = 'full')
    maxcorr = np.argmax(result)
    # print 'maximum = ', result[maxcorr]
    result = result / result[maxcorr]
    return result[result.size/2:]

#  second try ... "Box and Jenkins" chapter 2.1 Autocorrelation Properties
#                                               of stationary models
# from table 2.1 I get:

s1 = np.array([47,64,23,71,38,64,55,41,59,48,71,35,57,40,58,44,

# alternatively in order to test:
s2 = np.array([47,64,23,71,38,64,55,41,59,48,71])

# according to BJ, ch.2
print '*************************************************'
global s1short, meanshort, stdShort, s1dev, s1shX, s1shXk

s1short = s1
#s1short = s2   # for testing take s2

meanshort = s1short.mean()
stdShort = s1short.std()

s1dev = s1short - meanshort
#print 's1short = 
', s1short, '
meanshort = ', meanshort, '
s1deviation = 
#    s1dev, 
#      '
stdShort = ', stdShort

s1sh_len = s1short.size
s1shX = np.arange(1,s1sh_len + 1)
#print 'Len = ', s1sh_len, '
x-value = ', s1shX

# c0 to be computed ...

sumY = 0
kk = 1
for ii in s1shX:
    #print 'ii-1 = ',ii-1, 
    if ii > s1sh_len:
    sumY += s1dev[ii-1]*s1dev[ii-1]
    #print 'sumY = ',sumY, 's1dev**2 = ', s1dev[ii-1]*s1dev[ii-1]

c0 = sumY / s1sh_len
print 'c0 = ', c0 
# now compute autocorrelation

auCorr = []
s1shXk = s1shX
lenS1 = s1sh_len
nn = 1  # factor by which lenS1 should be divided in order
        # to reduce computation length ... 1, 2, 3, 4
        # should not exceed 4

#print 's1shX = ',s1shX

for kk in s1shXk:
    sumY = 0
    for ii in s1shX:
        #print 'ii-1 = ',ii-1, ' kk = ', kk, 'kk+ii-1 = ', kk+ii-1
        if ii >= s1sh_len or ii + kk - 1>=s1sh_len/nn:
        sumY += s1dev[ii-1]*s1dev[ii+kk-1]
        #print sumY, s1dev[ii-1], '*', s1dev[ii+kk-1]

    auCorrElement = sumY / s1sh_len
    auCorrElement = auCorrElement / c0
    #print 'sum = ', sumY, ' element = ', auCorrElement
    #print '', auCorr
    #manipulate s1shX 
    s1shX = s1shXk[:lenS1-kk]
    #print 's1shX = ',s1shX

#print 'AutoCorr = 
', auCorr
# first 15 of above Values are consistent with
# Box-Jenkins "Time Series Analysis", p.34 Table 2.2
s1sh_sdt = s1dev.std()  # Standardabweichung short 
#print '
s1sh_std = ', s1sh_sdt
print '#########################################'

# "Curve()" is a class from RTP ClimateUtilities.py
c2 = Curve()
s1shXfloat = np.ndarray(shape=(1,lenS1),dtype=float)
s1shXfloat = s1shXk # to make floating point from integer
                    # might be not necessary

#print 'test plotting ... ', s1shXk, s1shXfloat
c2.addCurve(auCorr, '', 'Autocorr')
c2.PlotTitle = 'Autokorrelation'

w2 = plot(c2)

# now try function "autocorr(arr)" and plot it

auCorr = autocorr(s1short)

c3 = Curve()
c3.addCurve( s1shXfloat )
c3.addCurve( auCorr, '', 'Autocorr' )
c3.PlotTitle = 'Autocorr with "autocorr"'

w3 = plot(c3)

# well that should it be!



So your problem with your initial attempt is that you did not subtract the average from your signal. The following code should work:

timeseries = (your data here)
mean = np.mean(timeseries)
timeseries -= np.mean(timeseries)
autocorr_f = np.correlate(timeseries, timeseries, mode='full')
temp = autocorr_f[autocorr_f.size/2:]/autocorr_f[autocorr_f.size/2]

在我的例子中 temp 是你感兴趣的变量;它是前向积分自相关函数.如果您想要综合自相关时间,您对 iact 感兴趣.

In my example temp is the variable you are interested in; it is the forward integrated autocorrelation function. If you want the integrated autocorrelation time you are interested in iact.

这篇关于是否有标准化输出的 numpy 自相关函数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:是否有标准化输出的 numpy 自相关函数?
