如何保存python IDLE的自定义首选项?

How to save custom preferences of python#39;s IDLE?(如何保存python IDLE的自定义首选项?)

本文介绍了如何保存python IDLE的自定义首选项?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在不同位置有几台计算机,虽然我没有在 IDLE 中编码,但它始终在后台运行,用于小型测试、调试和研究任务.我在家里配置了 IDLE 自定义高亮、键集等,将我的设置保存到外部文件中,并将这些设置安装到我正在使用的任何机器上会很舒服.

I have several computers at different locations, and although I'm not coding in IDLE, it is always running in the background, for small testing, debugging and researching tasks. I configured IDLE custom highlighting, key set, etc. at home, and it would be pretty comfy to save my settings into an external file, and install these settings onto any machines I'm working on.


So my question: is there a way to do that?

或者,如果有人知道 IDLE 将这些数据存储在哪里,那就太好了——也许我可以从那里复制文件..

Or it would be also nice, if anyone knows where IDLE stores these datas — probably I can copy the file(s) from there..



IDLE 将其首选项保存在 $HOME/.idlerc 目录下的多个文件中,创建文件(例如,config-main.cfg) 根据需要.至少重要的是简单的文本文件,因此您应该能够将这些文件从一台机器上的主目录复制到另一台机器上.有一些潜在的问题需要注意:

IDLE saves its preferences in several files in the $HOME/.idlerc directory, creating the files (for example, config-main.cfg) as needed. The important ones, at least, are simple text files so you should be able to copy those files from your home directory on one machine to another. There are a few potential gotcha's to watch out for:

  • 将文件复制到另一个主目录时,请确保没有 IDLE实例正在运行.

  • When you copy the files to another home directory, make sure no IDLE instances are running.

请注意,目前所有版本的 IDLE(使用 Python 2.7、3.2、3.3 等)共享相同的 .idlerc 目录和文件.我目前不知道有任何重大冲突,可能是最近的冲突文件名包含需要 Unicode 的非 ASCII 字符的文件表示:这可能会导致 IDLE 2.x 和 3.x 之间的共享问题.

Be aware that currently all versions of IDLE (with Python 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, etc) share the same .idlerc directory and files. I'm not aware of any major conflicts at this point other than possibly recent files with file names with non-ASCII characters that require Unicode representation: that could cause problems sharing between IDLE 2.x and 3.x.

如果您尝试共享文件,另一个问题可能是行尾在 Windows 和非 Windows 系统之间.

Another issue might be line endings if you attempt to share files between Windows and non-Windows systems.

这篇关于如何保存python IDLE的自定义首选项?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如何保存python IDLE的自定义首选项?
