PyCharm 更改文件类型关联

PyCharm change file type association(PyCharm 更改文件类型关联)

本文介绍了PyCharm 更改文件类型关联的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 PyCharm 中有一个文件,它曾经只是一个 .txt 文件.现在我想使用 .rst (reStructuredText).

I have a file in PyCharm and its used to be just a .txt file. Now I wanted to use .rst (reStructuredText).

我知道,当我第一次打开一个没有结尾的文件时,PyCharm 会询问我它是什么类型的文件以及应该如何解释语法.

I know that when I open a file without an ending for the first time PyCharm asks me what kind of file it is and how the syntax should therefore be interpreted.


Can i open up that dialog again somehow, or can I change the association in some other way?


其实@CrazyCoder 是对的:如果您不小心错误地标记了文件,PyCharm 会记住它并根据名称为新文件设置模式".

Actually, @CrazyCoder is right: If you accidentally mis-labeled the file, PyCharm remembers it and sets a "pattern" for the new file based on the name.

所以转到设置 |编辑器 |File Types,找到你不小心贴错标签的类型并将其从Registered Patterns"列表中删除.

So go to Settings | Editor | File Types, find the type you accidentally mislabeled and remove it from the "Registered Patterns" list.


For example, I mislabed "" as text file, so under "Text files" I have:


删除它,您将恢复您的 py 文件颜色!您还可以注册没有扩展名的文件关联.默认情况下,这与文本文件"相关联.

Remove it and you get your py file colors back! You can also register a file association where there is no extension. By default this is associated as "Text file".


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本文标题为:PyCharm 更改文件类型关联
