Pycharm 4.0.3 在使用调试时使任何 PyQt 程序崩溃

Pycharm 4.0.3 crash any PyQt program while using Debug(Pycharm 4.0.3 在使用调试时使任何 PyQt 程序崩溃)

本文介绍了Pycharm 4.0.3 在使用调试时使任何 PyQt 程序崩溃的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用 Pycharm 4.0.3 调试任何 PyQt5 程序时,会导致 Python.exe 进程崩溃.

While debug any PyQt5 program using Pycharm 4.0.3, it crashes the Python.exe process.

最初,它显示 self 变量就好了.

Initially, it shows the self variable just fine.

点击self左边的+后,会显示'Collecting data':

After you click the + at the left of self, it shows 'Collecting data':

然后立即使 Python.exe 崩溃,打印:

And then crash the Python.exe immediately, printing:

C:Anaconda3python.exe "C:Program Files (x86)JetBrainsPyCharm" --multiproc --client --port 62848 --file D:/My_Program/PyQt/TLC_Python34/
pydev debugger: process 7536 is connecting

Connected to pydev debugger (build 139.781)

Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)

我在 google 上找到了几个类似的报告,但我找不到任何解决方案.

I found several similar reports on google but I can't find any solution.


我在 File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Python Debugger 中发现 PyQt 框被选中.取消选中它可以解决问题.要解决每个程序的问题,请在文件 > 默认设置 > (...) 中执行相同操作.

I found in File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Python Debugger that PyQt box was checked. Unchecking it solves the problem. To solve the problem for every program, do the same in File > Default settings > (...).

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本文标题为:Pycharm 4.0.3 在使用调试时使任何 PyQt 程序崩溃
