
Plotly: How to use both dollar signs and linebreaks in annotations?(Plotly:如何在注释中同时使用美元符号和换行符?)



不确定我是否在这里遗漏了一些明显的东西,但是当我在带有注释的文本中插入中断 (<br>) 时,似乎忽略它.我试过 fig.add_annotations 但同样的事情发生了.


将 pandas 导入为 pd导入 plotly.graph_objects将 numpy 导入为 npdf = pd.DataFrame({"Growth_Type": ["Growing Fast", "Growing", "Stable", "Dropping", "Dropping Fast"],帐户":[407,1275,3785,1467,623],Gain_Share":[1.20,8.1,34.4,6.5,0.4],Keep_Share":[16.5, 101.2, 306.3, 107.2, 27.7]})df2 = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({"Growth_Type":df["Growth_Type"],Opportunity_Type":np.repeat(Gain Share", 5),Wallet_Share":df[Gain_Share"]}),pd.DataFrame({"Growth_Type":df["Growth_Type"],"Opportunity_Type": np.repeat("Keep Share", 5),Wallet_Share":df[Keep_Share"]})])fig = go.Figure()fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x = df2["Wallet_Share"],y = df2[Growth_Type"],方向=h";))fig.update_layout(font = dict(size = 12, color = "#A6ACAF"),xaxis_tickprefix = "$",plot_bgcolor =白色",barmode =堆栈",边距 = 字典(l = 150,r = 250,b = 100,t = 100),annotations = [dict(text = 'Dropping 提供了 6.5 美元的收益分享机会和 34.4 美元的保持分享机会',外部参照 = x",yref =y",x = 360,y =下降",showarrow = 假,yanchor =底部")])图.show()




将 pandas 导入为 pd导入 plotly.graph_objects将 numpy 导入为 npdf = pd.DataFrame({"Growth_Type": ["Growing Fast", "Growing", "Stable", "Dropping", "Dropping Fast"],帐户":[407,1275,3785,1467,623],Gain_Share":[1.20,8.1,34.4,6.5,0.4],Keep_Share":[16.5, 101.2, 306.3, 107.2, 27.7]})df2 = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({"Growth_Type":df["Growth_Type"],Opportunity_Type":np.repeat(Gain Share", 5),Wallet_Share":df[Gain_Share"]}),pd.DataFrame({"Growth_Type":df["Growth_Type"],"Opportunity_Type": np.repeat("Keep Share", 5),Wallet_Share":df[Keep_Share"]})])fig = go.Figure()fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x = df2["Wallet_Share"],y = df2[Growth_Type"],方向=h";))fig.update_layout(font = dict(size = 12, color = "#A6ACAF"),xaxis_tickprefix = "$",plot_bgcolor =白色",barmode =堆栈",边距 = 字典(l = 150,r = 250,b = 100,t = 100),annotations = [dict(text = 'Dropping 提供'+'&#36;'+ '6.5 的机会和一个<br>保持'+'&#36;'+ 的机会分享机会'34.4 磨',#annotations = [dict(text = '&#36;',外部参照 = x",yref =y",x = 360,y =下降",showarrow = 假,yanchor =底部")])图.show()

Not sure if I'm missing something obvious here but when I'm inserting a break (<br>) into my text with annotations it just seems to ignore it. I've tried fig.add_annotations but the same thing happens.

Do you know why this isn't working?

import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({"Growth_Type": ["Growing Fast", "Growing", "Stable", "Dropping", "Dropping Fast"],
                  "Accounts": [407,1275,3785,1467,623],
                  "Gain_Share": [1.20,8.1,34.4,6.5,0.4],
                  "Keep_Share": [16.5, 101.2, 306.3, 107.2, 27.7]})

df2 = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({"Growth_Type":df["Growth_Type"], 
              "Opportunity_Type": np.repeat("Gain Share", 5),
             "Wallet_Share": df["Gain_Share"]}),
              "Opportunity_Type": np.repeat("Keep Share", 5),
             "Wallet_Share": df["Keep_Share"]})])

fig = go.Figure()

fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x = df2["Wallet_Share"], 
                     y = df2["Growth_Type"],
                     orientation = "h"

fig.update_layout(font = dict(size = 12, color = "#A6ACAF"),
                 xaxis_tickprefix = "$",
                  plot_bgcolor = "white",
                  barmode = "stack",
                  margin = dict(l = 150, 
                               r = 250,
                               b = 100,
                               t = 100),
                  annotations = [dict(text = 'Dropping presents a gain share<br>opportunity of $6.5 mill and a<br>keep share opportunity of $34.4 mill',
                  xref = "x",
                  yref = "y",
                  x = 360,
                  y = "Dropping",
                  showarrow = False,
                  yanchor = "bottom")]


It's not the linebreaks that are causing the trouble here; it is the dollar sign. But you can use the printable ASCII character '&#36;'to get what you want instead:

text = 'Dropping presents a gain share<br>opportunity of '+ '&#36;'+ '6.5 mill and a<br>keep share opportunity of ' + '&#36;'+ '34.4 mill'


Complete code:

import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({"Growth_Type": ["Growing Fast", "Growing", "Stable", "Dropping", "Dropping Fast"],
                  "Accounts": [407,1275,3785,1467,623],
                  "Gain_Share": [1.20,8.1,34.4,6.5,0.4],
                  "Keep_Share": [16.5, 101.2, 306.3, 107.2, 27.7]})

df2 = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({"Growth_Type":df["Growth_Type"], 
              "Opportunity_Type": np.repeat("Gain Share", 5),
             "Wallet_Share": df["Gain_Share"]}),
              "Opportunity_Type": np.repeat("Keep Share", 5),
             "Wallet_Share": df["Keep_Share"]})])

fig = go.Figure()

fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x = df2["Wallet_Share"], 
                     y = df2["Growth_Type"],
                     orientation = "h"

fig.update_layout(font = dict(size = 12, color = "#A6ACAF"),
                 xaxis_tickprefix = "$",
                  plot_bgcolor = "white",
                  barmode = "stack",
                  margin = dict(l = 150, 
                               r = 250,
                               b = 100,
                               t = 100),
                  annotations = [dict(text = 'Dropping presents a gain share<br>opportunity of '+ '&#36;'+ '6.5 mill and a<br>keep share opportunity of ' + '&#36;'+ '34.4 mill',
                  #annotations = [dict(text = '&#36;',
                  xref = "x",
                  yref = "y",
                  x = 360,
                  y = "Dropping",
                  showarrow = False,
                  yanchor = "bottom")]


