
How to map a function to a triple nested list and keep the triple nested list intact?(如何将函数映射到三重嵌套列表并保持三重嵌套列表完好无损?)




I've have been building an analysis workflow for my PhD and have been using a triple nested list to represent my data structure because I want it to be able to expand to an arbitrary amount of data in its second and third levels. The first level is the whole dataset, the second level is each subject in the dataset and third level is a row for each measure that each subject.

              [measure1, measure2, measure3]

我正在尝试将函数映射到每个度量 - 例如将所有点转换为浮点数或用 None 替换异常值 - 并希望根据其嵌套返回整个数据集,但我当前的代码:

I am trying to map a function to each measure - for instance convert all the points into floats or replace anomalous values with None - and wish to return the whole dataset according to its nesting but my current code:

for subject in dataset:
    for measure in subject:
        map(float, measure)


...the result is correct and exactly what I want but the problem is that I can't think how to assign the result back to the dataset efficiently or without losing a level of the nest. Ideally, I would like it to change the measure *in place but I can't think how to do it.

您能否提出一种高效且 Pythonic 的方法来做到这一点?三重嵌套列表是在程序中组织数据的愚蠢方式吗?

Could you suggest an efficient and pythonic way of doing that? Is a triple nested list a silly way to organize my data in the program?



Rather than doing it in place, make a new list

 dataset = [[[float(value) for value in measure] 
                           for measure in subject] 
                           for subject in dataset] 


