计算python字典/数组数据结构的非空尾叶 - 递归算

Count non-empty end-leafs of a python dicitonary/array data structure - recursive algorithm?(计算python字典/数组数据结构的非空尾叶 - 递归算法?)

本文介绍了计算python字典/数组数据结构的非空尾叶 - 递归算法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm looking for a function to find all the non-empty end-points of a kind of complex dictionary/array structure. I think that because I don't know the number of nested arrays or their locations, it would have to be recursive, and I just don't entirely get that way of thinking yet.


x = {"top": {"middle" : [
                         {"nested": "value"},
            "last" : [
                         {"nested": [
                         {"nested": [
                         {"nested": [


and variable "paths" named as follows, where ".XX" designates there is an array (in the style of variety.js):

vars = ["top.middle.XX.nested",

我想要一个函数 f(x,y) 可以返回...

I'd like a function f(x,y) that can return...

f(x,"top.middle.XX.nested") = 2/3
f(x,"top.last.XX.nested.XX.first") = 5/6
f(x,"top.last.XX.nested.XX.second") = 4/6
f(x,"other") = 1


The problem for me seems to be trying to construct the tree as you go and where to put the counter for nulls. So, I don't quite understand how to record the counters or do recursion correctly.


也许这可以引导您朝着正确的方向前进.byPath 收集嵌套的字典项.一旦调用,您基本上可以展平结果列表并检查您的条件是否满足(例如 elem !=''not elem 或其他):

Maybe this can guide you in the right direction. byPath collects the nested dictionary items. Once called, you can basically flatten out the resulting list and check if your condition is met (like elem != '' or not elem or whatever):

x = #your x as posted

def byPath (tree, path):
    try: head, tail = path.split ('.', 1)
    except: return tree [path]

    if head == 'XX': return [byPath (node, tail) for node in tree]
    else: return byPath (tree [head], tail)

print (byPath (x, 'top.middle.XX.nested') )
print (byPath (x, 'top.last.XX.nested.XX.first') )
print (byPath (x, 'top.last.XX.nested.XX.second') )
print (byPath (x, 'other') )


EDIT: Here the part for actually counting those elements that are not an empty string:

def count (result):
    if isinstance (result, list):
        total = 0
        positive = 0
        for e in result:
            r = count (e)
            total += r [1]
            positive += r [0]
        return (positive, total)
    else: return (0 if result == '' else 1, 1)

a = byPath (x, 'top.middle.XX.nested')
b = byPath (x, 'top.last.XX.nested.XX.first')
c = byPath (x, 'top.last.XX.nested.XX.second')
d = byPath (x, 'other')

for x in [a, b, c, d]: print (count (x) )


def f (tree, path):
    return count (byPath (tree, path) )

for path in ['top.middle.XX.nested', 'top.last.XX.nested.XX.first', 'top.last.XX.nested.XX.second', 'other']:
    print (path, f (x, path) )

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本文标题为:计算python字典/数组数据结构的非空尾叶 - 递归算
