向 Python 中的所有线程发送单向消息

Send one-way message to all threads in Python(向 Python 中的所有线程发送单向消息)

本文介绍了向 Python 中的所有线程发送单向消息的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I need to send information to every thread that's running in my program, and every thread has to process that information.


I can't do it using a regular queue, because that way once one thread removes the data from the queue all the other threads won't be able to see it anymore.


What's the best way of achieving this?



One way is to have a queue for each thread, and the function that broadcasts the information is responsible for inserting the message into the queue of every thread.

例如,这类似于消息队列在 Windows 中的工作方式.每个执行 GUI 操作的线程都有一个关联的消息队列,独立于任何其他线程.

This is similar to the way message queues work in Windows, for example. Each thread that does GUI operations has an associated message queue, independent from that of any other thread.

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本文标题为:向 Python 中的所有线程发送单向消息
