在 Google App Engine 中检查任务队列的状态

Checking status of Task Queue in Google App Engine(在 Google App Engine 中检查任务队列的状态)

本文介绍了在 Google App Engine 中检查任务队列的状态的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我将几个任务放入一个任务队列中,并想知道具体任务何时完成.我在 API 中没有找到关于回调或检查任务状态的任何内容,所以我想我会看看其他人在做什么,或者是否有解决方法(或官方)的方法来检查.我不关心单个任务,如果有帮助,我会放入 6 个不同的任务,并想知道所有 6 个任务何时完成.

I'm putting several tasks into a task queue and would like to know when the specific tasks are done. I haven't found anything in the API about call backs, or checking the status of a task, so I thought I'd see what other people do, or if there's a work around (or official) way to check. I don't care about individual tasks, if it helps, I'm putting 6 different tasks in, and want to know when all 6 are complete.



新的 REST/JSON 任务队列 API 可以让你做到这一点.

The new REST/JSON task queue API will let you do this.



This does not scale well to thousands of tasks...

我确实喜欢管道 API 建议!

I do like the pipeline API suggestion though!

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本文标题为:在 Google App Engine 中检查任务队列的状态
