用 Python ping 一个站点?

Ping a site in Python?(用 Python ping 一个站点?)

本文介绍了用 Python ping 一个站点?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何使用 Python ping 网站或 IP 地址?

How do I ping a website or IP address with Python?


看这个 纯 Python ping 由 Matthew Dixon Cowles 和 Jens Diemer.另外,请记住 Python 需要 root 才能在 linux 中生成 ICMP(即 ping)套接字.

See this pure Python ping by Matthew Dixon Cowles and Jens Diemer. Also, remember that Python requires root to spawn ICMP (i.e. ping) sockets in linux.

import ping, socket
    ping.verbose_ping('www.google.com', count=3)
    delay = ping.Ping('www.wikipedia.org', timeout=2000).do()
except socket.error, e:
    print "Ping Error:", e

源代码本身很容易阅读,请参阅 verbose_pingPing.do 的实现以获得灵感.

The source code itself is easy to read, see the implementations of verbose_ping and of Ping.do for inspiration.

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