如何在 Python 3.5.3 上播放来自网络电台的流音频

How to play streaming audio from internet radio on Python 3.5.3(如何在 Python 3.5.3 上播放来自网络电台的流音频)

本文介绍了如何在 Python 3.5.3 上播放来自网络电台的流音频的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 Windows 8.1 x64 上使用 Python 3.5.3,我需要播放来自这里的音频

我尝试过 pyaudio,但它只给我白噪声,并且在运行几次 pyaudio 后出现错误(pyaudio 模块pyaudio"没有属性PyAudio").

请告诉我如何更好地使用 Python 从 url 播放流音频...


导入请求导入时间导入日期时间打印(日期时间.日期时间.现在())进口重新url = 'http://prem1.rockradio.com:80/bluesrock?9555ae7caa92404c73cade1d'编码 = 'latin1'信息 = ''radio_session = requests.Session()而真:radio = radio_session.get(url, headers={'Icy-MetaData': '1'}, stream=True)metaint = int(radio.headers['icy-metaint'])流 = radio.rawaudio_data = stream.read(metaint)meta_byte = stream.read(1)如果(元字节):meta_length = ord(meta_byte) * 16meta_data = stream.read(meta_length).rstrip(b'')stream_title = re.search(br"StreamTitle='([^']*)';", meta_data)如果流标题:stream_title = stream_title.group(1).decode(encoding, errors='replace')如果信息 != stream_title:打印('正在播放:',stream_title)信息 = 流标题别的:经过别的:打印('没有流标题!')时间.sleep(1)


如果你对外部库开放,你可以使用 pip install python-vlc

为 python 安装 vlc 绑定

并使用 player 方法直接从 URL 播放音频文件,如下所示.

导入vlc导入时间url = 'http://prem1.rockradio.com:80/bluesrock?9555ae7caa92404c73cade1d'#define VLC 实例instance = vlc.Instance('--input-repeat=-1', '--fullscreen')#定义VLC播放器播放器=instance.media_player_new()#定义VLC媒体媒体=instance.media_new(网址)#设置播放器媒体player.set_media(媒体)#播放媒体播放器播放()

vlc 播放器的优点是您可以直接从 URL 播放大多数媒体类型(不仅仅是 mp3),还可以执行类似播放器的选项,例如

<预><代码>>>>player.pause() #暂停播放>>>player.play() #继续播放>>>player.stop() #停止播放

I am using Python 3.5.3 on Windows 8.1 x64 and i need play audio from here

I have tried pyaudio, but it gives me only white noise and error occurred after a few runs of pyaudio (pyaudio module 'pyaudio' has no attribute 'PyAudio').

Please, advise me how better play the streaming audio from url, using Python...

P.S. I already got the song title and artist name with this code:

import requests
import time
import datetime
import re

url = 'http://prem1.rockradio.com:80/bluesrock?9555ae7caa92404c73cade1d'
encoding = 'latin1'
info = ''

radio_session = requests.Session()

while True:

    radio = radio_session.get(url, headers={'Icy-MetaData': '1'}, stream=True)

    metaint = int(radio.headers['icy-metaint'])

    stream = radio.raw

    audio_data = stream.read(metaint)
    meta_byte = stream.read(1)

    if (meta_byte):
        meta_length = ord(meta_byte) * 16

        meta_data = stream.read(meta_length).rstrip(b'')

        stream_title = re.search(br"StreamTitle='([^']*)';", meta_data)

        if stream_title:

            stream_title = stream_title.group(1).decode(encoding, errors='replace')

            if info != stream_title:
                print('Now playing: ', stream_title)
                info = stream_title

            print('No StreamTitle!')



If you are open for external libraries, you can install vlc binding for python using pip install python-vlc

And use player method to play audio file directly from URL as below.

import vlc
import time

url = 'http://prem1.rockradio.com:80/bluesrock?9555ae7caa92404c73cade1d'

#define VLC instance
instance = vlc.Instance('--input-repeat=-1', '--fullscreen')

#Define VLC player

#Define VLC media

#Set player media

#Play the media

Advantage of vlc player is that you can play most media types directly from URL (not just mp3) and also perform player like options such as

>>> player.pause()  #pause play back
>>> player.play() #resume play back
>>> player.stop() #stop play back

这篇关于如何在 Python 3.5.3 上播放来自网络电台的流音频的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如何在 Python 3.5.3 上播放来自网络电台的流音频
