如何确定 DST 何时在 Python 中的特定位置开始或结束?

How to determine when DST starts or ends in a specific location in Python?(如何确定 DST 何时在 Python 中的特定位置开始或结束?)

本文介绍了如何确定 DST 何时在 Python 中的特定位置开始或结束?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在寻找一种方法来确定我正在处理的 Python 脚本中给定时区的 DST 何时开始或结束.

I'm looking for a method of determining when DST starts or ends for a given timezone in a Python script I'm working on.

我知道 pytz 可以将我正在工作的 UTC 日期转换为本地时间,并且会考虑 DST,但是对于这个特定的应用程序 我需要知道转换点.

I know pytz can convert the UTC dates I'm working into localtime, and will take DST into account, however for this particular application I need to know the point of the changeover.



你可以看看你正在使用的时区的 _utc_transition_times 成员.

You could have a look to the _utc_transition_times memberof the timezone you're using.

>>> from pytz import timezone
>>> tz = timezone("Europe/Paris")
>>> print tz._utc_transition_times

[datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(1911, 3, 10, 23, 51, 39), datetime.datetime(1916, 6, 14, 23, 0), datetime.datetime(1916, 10, 1, 23, 0), date
 datetime.datetime(2037, 3, 29, 1, 0), datetime.datetime(2037, 10, 25, 1, 0)]

它将为您提供 DST 更改日期列表(DST 的开始和结束).

It will give you the list of the DST change dates (start and end of DST).


According to the code of tzinfo.py

class DstTzInfo(BaseTzInfo):
    '''A timezone that has a variable offset from UTC

    The offset might change if daylight savings time comes into effect,
    or at a point in history when the region decides to change their
    timezone definition.
    # Overridden in subclass
    _utc_transition_times = None # Sorted list of DST transition times in UTC
    _transition_info = None # [(utcoffset, dstoffset, tzname)] corresponding
                            # to _utc_transition_times entries

因此,如果您将 _utc_transition_times_transition_info 混合使用,您将获取所有需要的信息、日期、时间和偏移量来应用;)

So if you mix the _utc_transition_times with _transition_info you will grab all your needed informations, date, time and offset to apply ;)

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本文标题为:如何确定 DST 何时在 Python 中的特定位置开始或结束?
