发送密钥不起作用 selenium webdriver python

Send keys not working selenium webdriver python(发送密钥不起作用 selenium webdriver python)

本文介绍了发送密钥不起作用 selenium webdriver python的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要将文本发送到描述文本区域.有一些预定义的文本在点击后被清除.我尝试在 sendkeys 之前使用 clear() 或 click() ,但没有任何效果.它会在那里发送文本,但它仍然是灰色的,保存页面后出现描述中没有文本的错误...我可以使用其他东西代替发送密钥吗?谢谢

I need to send text to description textarea. There is some predefined text which is cleared after click. I tried to use clear() or click() before sendkeys but nothing works correctly. It will send text there but it is still grey and after saving page there is error that tere is no text in description... Can I use something else instead of send keys? Thanks


<textarea id="manage_description" class="eTextArea" name="e.description" cols="" rows="" onfocus="clearDescHint(this);" onblur="resetDescHint(this);" style="color: grey;"></textarea>

send_keys 不起作用

send_keys not working



正如你提到的 send_keys("TEST") 不起作用,有几个替代方案将 字符序列 发送到如下所述的各个字段:

As you mentioned send_keys("TEST") are not working, there are a couple of alternatives to send a character sequence to respective fields as mentioned below :

  1. 使用Keys.NUMPAD3 [模拟send_keys("3")]:p>


  • JavascriptExecutorgetElementById 一起使用:

  • Use JavascriptExecutor with getElementById :


  • JavascriptExecutorgetElementsById 一起使用:

  • Use JavascriptExecutor with getElementsById :


  • <小时>

    现在谈到你的具体问题,正如你提到的 我尝试在 sendkeys 之前使用 clear() 或 click() 但没有任何效果,所以我们将寻求 的帮助javascriptclick()在文本区域清除预定义文本然后使用send_keys 填充文本字段,如下所示:

    Now comming to your specific issue, as you mentioned I tried to use clear() or click() before sendkeys but nothing works correctly, so we will take help of javascript to click() on the text area to clear the predefined text and then use send_keys to populate the text field as follows:




    Update :

    As you mentioned sometimes it works sometimes not, so I would suggest the following:

    1. 诱导 ExplicitWait 使 textarea 可点击.
    2. 也可以使用 javascripttextarea 内发送 text.
    3. 您的代码将如下所示:

    1. Induce ExplicitWait for textarea to be clickable.
    2. Use javascript to send the text within the textarea too.
    3. Your code will look like:

    my_string = "TEST";
    elem = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, "manage_description")))
    self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].setAttribute('value', '" + my_string +"')", elem);

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    本文标题为:发送密钥不起作用 selenium webdriver python
