Counting depth or the deepest level a nested list goes to(计算嵌套列表的深度或最深级别)
A 有一个真正的问题(而且很头疼)做作业...
A have a real problem (and a headache) with an assignment...
我正在上一门介绍性编程课程,我必须编写一个函数,在给定列表的情况下,该函数将返回它达到的最大"深度...例如:[1,2,3] 将返回 1,[1,[2,3]] 将返回 2...
I'm in an introductory programming class, and I have to write a function that, given a list, will return the "maximum" depth it goes to... For example: [1,2,3] will return 1, [1,[2,3]] will return 2...
I've written this piece of code (it's the best I could get T_T)
def flat(l):
for item in l:
if isinstance(item,list):
count+= flat(item)
return count+1
However, It obviously doens't work like it should, because if there are lists that do not count for the maximum deepness, it still raises the counter...
例如:当我使用带有 [1,2,[3,4],5,[6],7] 的函数时,它应该返回 2,但它返回 3...
For example: when I use the function with [1,2,[3,4],5,[6],7] it should return 2, but it returns 3...
任何想法或帮助将不胜感激^^ 非常感谢!!我已经为此苦苦挣扎了几个星期...
Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated ^^ thanks a lot!! I've been strugling with this for weeks now...
Breadth-first, without recursion, and it also works with other sequence types:
from collections import Sequence
from itertools import chain, count
def depth(seq):
for level in count():
if not seq:
return level
seq = list(chain.from_iterable(s for s in seq if isinstance(s, Sequence)))
The same idea, but with much less memory consumption:
from collections import Sequence
from itertools import chain, count
def depth(seq):
seq = iter(seq)
for level in count():
seq = chain([next(seq)], seq)
seq = chain.from_iterable(s for s in seq if isinstance(s, Sequence))
except StopIteration:
return level

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