Python 2.6+ str.format() 和正则表达式

Python 2.6+ str.format() and regular expressions(Python 2.6+ str.format() 和正则表达式)

本文介绍了Python 2.6+ str.format() 和正则表达式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用 str.format() 是 Python 2.6 和 Python 3 中格式化字符串的新标准.使用 str.format() 时遇到问题code> 带有正则表达式.

Using str.format() is the new standard for formatting strings in Python 2.6, and Python 3. I've run into an issue when using str.format() with regular expressions.

我编写了一个正则表达式来返回比指定域低一级的所有域或比指定域低两级的任何域,如果下面的第二级是 www...

I've written a regular expression to return all domains that are a single level below a specified domain or any domains that are 2 levels below the domain specified, if the 2nd level below is www...

假设指定的域是,我的正则表达式应该返回、、 ...但它不应该返回

Assuming the specified domain is, my regex should return,, ... but it should not return

import re

str1 = ""
str2 = ""
str3 = ""

if (re.match('^(w{3}.)?([0-9A-Za-z-]+.){1}$', str1): print 'String 1 matches!'
if (re.match('^(w{3}.)?([0-9A-Za-z-]+.){1}$', str2): print 'String 2 matches!'
if (re.match('^(w{3}.)?([0-9A-Za-z-]+.){1}$', str3): print 'String 3 matches!'


Running this should give the result:

String 1 matches!
String 3 matches!

现在,问题是当我尝试使用 str.format 动态替换

Now, the problem is when I try to replace dynamically using str.format...

if (re.match('^(w{3}.)?([0-9A-Za-z-]+.){1}{domainName}$'.format(domainName = ''), str1): print 'String 1 matches!'

这似乎失败了,因为 str.format() 期望 {3}{1} 是功能.(我假设)

This seems to fail, because the str.format() expects the {3} and {1} to be parameters to the function. (I'm assuming)

我可以使用 + 运算符连接字符串

I could concatenate the string using + operator

'^(w{3}.)?([0-9A-Za-z-]+.){1}' + domainName + '$'


The question comes down to, is it possible to use str.format() when the string (usually regex) has "{n}" within it?



you first would need to format string and then use regex. It really doesn't worth it to put everything into a single line. Escaping is done by doubling the curly braces:

>>> pat= '^(w{{3}}.)?([0-9A-Za-z-]+.){{1}}{domainName}$'.format(domainName = '')
>>> pat
>>> re.match(pat, str1)

另外,re.match在字符串的开头匹配,如果使用re.match就不用放^code>,但是如果您使用,则需要 ^.

Also, re.match is matching at the beginning of the string, you don't have to put ^ if you use re.match, you need ^ if you're using, however.

请注意,正则表达式中的 {1} 相当多余.

Please note, that {1} in regex is rather redundant.

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本文标题为:Python 2.6+ str.format() 和正则表达式
