Kivy:BoxLayout 与 GridLayout

Kivy: BoxLayout vs. GridLayout(Kivy:BoxLayout 与 GridLayout)

本文介绍了Kivy:BoxLayout 与 GridLayout的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




They both do the same thing, no? Is there a reason to choose one over the other?



一般来说,GridLayout (cols: 1) 总是将元素保持在一列中,而有使用 BoxLayout (orientation: 'vertical') 时更灵活地组织单个小部件.

In general, GridLayout (cols: 1) is always going to keep the elements in one column, whereas there is more flexibility to organize individual widgets when you use BoxLayout (orientation: 'vertical').

这是一个非常简单的示例,说明您可以使用 BoxLayout 进行操作,因为它支持 pos_hintsizesize_hint(以及其他,例如 center_xxyright,-注意它们也依赖于BoxLayoutverticalhorizo​​ntal 方向会影响各个小部件:

Here is a very simple example of something you can do with BoxLayout because it honours pos_hint, size and size_hint (and others such as center_x, x, y, right, - notice that they also depend on the vertical or horizontal orientation of the BoxLayout) which affects individual widgets:

    orientation: 'vertical'
        text: 'a'
        size_hint: None, None
        size: 100,50
        pos_hint: { 'center_x' : .5 }
        text: 'b'

这是 200x200 屏幕中的输出:

This is the output in a 200x200 screen:

如果您尝试做同样的事情,但改用 GridLayout,那么您会得到:

If you attempt to do the same but using GridLayout instead, then you get this:

最后,GridLayout 有一些属性来控制列的大小:

Finally, GridLayout has some properties to control the size of the column:

  • col_default_width:为所有列的默认宽度
  • col_width:每列的宽度列表(在此没有用处案例,因为我们只有一个)
  • col_force_default:它将忽略单个小部件的任何现有 size_hintsize 并强制列宽
  • minimum_width:所以列不会缩小太多
  • col_default_width: for the default width of all the columns
  • col_width: a list of widths for each column (not useful in this case since we have just one)
  • col_force_default: which will ignore any existing size_hint or size for individual widgets and force the column width
  • minimum_width: so the column not shrink too much

这篇关于Kivy:BoxLayout 与 GridLayout的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:Kivy:BoxLayout 与 GridLayout
