Kivy/Python Countdown App 项目 kivy 没有属性 'built' 错误

Kivy/Python Countdown App project kivy has no attribute #39;built#39; error(Kivy/Python Countdown App 项目 kivy 没有属性 built 错误)

本文介绍了Kivy/Python Countdown App 项目 kivy 没有属性 'built' 错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Question: What is a 'has no attribute 'built' error, and what do I need to do to correct this code so that it can take in a datetime object and display the count down? Sorry for the long post.

我已经提供了代码和 .kv 文件的链接.

I've provided the code and a link to the .kv file.

我尝试创建一个倒计时时钟,它将 datetime 对象作为参数并倒计时到该日期(使用 python 和 kivy).它基本上是对 Adam Giermanowski 的倒计时教程.

I tried to create a countdown clock that takes a datetime object as a parameter and counts down to that date (using python and kivy). It's basically an slight adaptation of Adam Giermanowski's countdown timer tutorial.


from import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from import StringProperty
from kivy.clock import Clock
import datetime

#datetime object
b= datetime.datetime(2016,9,12,3,5)

class Counter_Timer(BoxLayout):
    days = StringProperty()
    hours = StringProperty()
    minutes = StringProperty()
    seconds = StringProperty()

    def __init__(self, datetimeOBJ):
        self.datetimeOBJ = datetimeOBJ

    def update(self, dt):
        #the difference in time
        delta = self.datetimeOBJ -
        self.days = str(delta.days)
        hour_string = str(delta).split(', ')[1]
        self.hours = hour_string.split(':')[0]
        self.minutes = hour_string.split(':')[1]
        self.seconds = hour_string.split(':')[2].split('.')[0]

class Counter(App):
    #takes a datetime object as a parameter 
    def __init__(self, datetimeOBJ):
        self.datetimeOBJ = datetimeOBJ 

    def build(self):
        Counter = Counter_Timer(self.datetimeOBJ)
        Clock.schedule_interval(Counter.update, 1.0)
        return Counter

if __name__=='__main__':

这是 Counter(b).run() 行的错误:

Here's the error on the Counter(b).run() line:

AttributeError: 'Counter' object has no attribute 'built'


你必须在重写 __init__ 时调用超类的构造函数,这样构造函数所做的所有事情才能拥有课堂作业的其他方法已完成.你的 init 方法应该是这样的:

You have to call the superclasses constructor when you override __init__, so that all of the things that that constructor does in order to have the other methods of the class work gets done. Your init method should be this:

def __init__(self, datetimeOBJ):
    self.datetimeOBJ = datetimeOBJ 

这篇关于Kivy/Python Countdown App 项目 kivy 没有属性 'built' 错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:Kivy/Python Countdown App 项目 kivy 没有属性 'built' 错误
