在 CentOS 中安装 python 2.6

Install python 2.6 in CentOS(在 CentOS 中安装 python 2.6)

本文介绍了在 CentOS 中安装 python 2.6的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个运行 CentOS 的 shell.

I have a shell that runs CentOS.

对于我正在做的一个项目,我需要 python 2.5+,但 centOS 非常依赖 2.4.

For a project I'm doing, I need python 2.5+, but centOS is pretty dependent on 2.4.

根据我的阅读,如果升级到 2.5,很多事情都会中断.

From what I've read, a number of things will break if you upgrade to 2.5.

我想将 2.5 与 2.4 分开安装,但我不知道该怎么做.到目前为止,我已经下载了源 tarball,解压缩它,并做了一个 ./configure --prefix=/opt 这是我希望它结束​​的地方.我现在可以 make, make install 吗?还是还有更多?

I want to install 2.5 separately from 2.4, but I'm not sure how to do it. So far I've downloaded the source tarball, untarred it, and did a ./configure --prefix=/opt which is where I want it to end up. Can I now just make, make install ? Or is there more?


你也可以使用 EPEL-repository,然后执行 sudo yum install python26 来安装 python 2.6

You could also use the EPEL-repository, and then do sudo yum install python26 to install python 2.6

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