
Python multiprocessing - tracking the process of operation(Python多处理——跟踪pool.map操作的过程)




我想运行模拟(函数)不同的输入参数值,超过 10000 个可能的输入值,并将结果写入单个文件.

我正在使用多处理,特别是 函数并行运行模拟.


我认为下面我当前代码中的问题是, 运行该函数 10000 次,在这些操作期间没有任何进程跟踪.一旦并行处理完成运行 10000 个模拟(可能是几小时到几天),然后我会继续跟踪 10000 个模拟结果何时保存到文件中.所以这并不是真正跟踪 操作的处理.


def simFunction(输入):# 进行一些模拟并输出 simResult返回 str(simResult)# 并行处理输入 = np.arange(0,10000,1)如果 __name__ == "__main__":numCores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()池 = 多处理.池(进程 = numCores)t =,输入)与 open('results.txt','w') 一样:print("开始模拟" + str(len(inputs)) + "输入值...")计数器 = 0对于我在 t:out.write(i + '
')计数器 = 计数器 + 1如果计数器%100==0:print(str(counter) + " of " + str(len(inputs)) + " 输入值模拟")print('完成了!!!!')


请注意,我使用的是 pathos.multiprocessing 而不是 multiprocessing. 它只是 multiprocessing 的一个分支,使您能够使用多个输入执行 map 函数,具有更好的序列化,并允许您执行 map在任何地方调用(不仅仅是在 __main__ 中).您也可以使用 multiprocessing 来执行以下操作,但是代码会略有不同.

如果您使用迭代的 map 函数,则很容易跟踪进度.

from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pooldef simFunction(x,y):进口时间时间.sleep(2)返回 x**2 + yx,y = 范围(100),范围(-100,100,2)res = Pool().imap(simFunction, x,y)与 open('results.txt', 'w') 一样:对于 x 中的 i:out.write("%s
" %如果 i%10 为 0:打印%s of %s 模拟";% (i, len(x))


0 of 100 模拟100 个模拟中的 10 个100 个模拟中的 20 个100 个模拟中的 30 个100 个模拟中的 40 个100 个模拟中的 50 个100 个模拟中的 60 个100 个模拟中的 70 个100 个模拟中的 80 个100 个模拟中的 90 个

或者,您可以使用异步 map.在这里我会做一些不同的事情,只是为了混合起来.

导入时间res = Pool().amap(simFunction, x,y)虽然不是 res.ready():打印等待..."时间.sleep(5)



res.get()[-100、-97、-92、-85、-76、-65、-52、-37、-20、-1、20、43、68、95、124、155、188、223、260、299, 340, 383, 428, 475, 524, 575, 628, 683, 740, 799, 860, 923, 988, 1055, 1124, 1195, 1268, 1343, 1420, 1499, 1580, 1663, 1748, 1663, 1748,,2015,2108,2203,2300,2399,2500,2603,2708,2815,2924,3035,3148,3263,3380,3499,30020,323,3868,3995,4124,4255,4388,4124,4255,4388,4523,4660,4799,4940,5083,5228,5375,5524,5675,5828,5983,6140,6299,6460,6623,6788,6955,7124,7295,7468,7124,7820,7999,7643,7820,7999,8180,8363,8548,8735,8924, 9115, 9308, 9503, 9700, 9899]

无论是迭代的还是异步的map,您都可以编写任何您想要更好地跟踪流程的代码.例如,传递一个唯一的id".到每个工作,并观察哪个返回,或者让每个工作返回它的进程 ID.有很多方法可以跟踪进度和过程……但以上内容应该可以为您提供一个开始.


I have a function which performs some simulation and returns an array in string format.

I want to run the simulation (the function) for varying input parameter values, over 10000 possible input values, and write the results to a single file.

I am using multiprocessing, specifically, function to run the simulations in parallel.

Since the whole process of running the simulation function over 10000 times takes a very long time, I really would like to track the process of the entire operation.

I think the problem in my current code below is that, runs the function 10000 times, without any process tracking during those operations. Once the parallel processing finishes running 10000 simulations (could be hours to days.), then I keep tracking when 10000 simulation results are being saved to a file..So this is not really tracking the processing of operation.

Is there an easy fix to my code that will allow process tracking?

def simFunction(input):
    # Does some simulation and outputs simResult
    return str(simResult)

# Parallel processing

inputs = np.arange(0,10000,1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    numCores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = numCores)
    t =, inputs) 
    with open('results.txt','w') as out:
        print("Starting to simulate " + str(len(inputs)) + " input values...")
        counter = 0
        for i in t:
            out.write(i + '
            counter = counter + 1
            if counter%100==0:
                print(str(counter) + " of " + str(len(inputs)) + " input values simulated")


Note that I'm using pathos.multiprocessing instead of multiprocessing. It's just a fork of multiprocessing that enables you to do map functions with multiple inputs, has much better serialization, and allows you to execute map calls anywhere (not just in __main__). You could use multiprocessing to do the below as well, however the code would be very slightly different.

If you use an iterated map function, it's pretty easy to keep track of progress.

from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool
def simFunction(x,y):
  import time
  return x**2 + y
x,y = range(100),range(-100,100,2)
res = Pool().imap(simFunction, x,y)
with open('results.txt', 'w') as out:
  for i in x:
" %
    if i%10 is 0:
      print "%s of %s simulated" % (i, len(x))

0 of 100 simulated
10 of 100 simulated
20 of 100 simulated
30 of 100 simulated
40 of 100 simulated
50 of 100 simulated
60 of 100 simulated
70 of 100 simulated
80 of 100 simulated
90 of 100 simulated

Or, you can use an asynchronous map. Here I'll do things a little differently, just to mix it up.

import time
res = Pool().amap(simFunction, x,y)
while not res.ready():
  print "waiting..."


[-100, -97, -92, -85, -76, -65, -52, -37, -20, -1, 20, 43, 68, 95, 124, 155, 188, 223, 260, 299, 340, 383, 428, 475, 524, 575, 628, 683, 740, 799, 860, 923, 988, 1055, 1124, 1195, 1268, 1343, 1420, 1499, 1580, 1663, 1748, 1835, 1924, 2015, 2108, 2203, 2300, 2399, 2500, 2603, 2708, 2815, 2924, 3035, 3148, 3263, 3380, 3499, 3620, 3743, 3868, 3995, 4124, 4255, 4388, 4523, 4660, 4799, 4940, 5083, 5228, 5375, 5524, 5675, 5828, 5983, 6140, 6299, 6460, 6623, 6788, 6955, 7124, 7295, 7468, 7643, 7820, 7999, 8180, 8363, 8548, 8735, 8924, 9115, 9308, 9503, 9700, 9899]

Either an iterated or asynchronous map will enable you to write whatever code you want to do better process tracking. For example, pass a unique "id" to each job, and watch which come back, or have each job return it's process id. There are lots of ways to track progress and processes… but the above should give you a start.

You can get pathos here.


