What does it mean for Electron to combine Node.js and Chromium contexts?(Electron 将 Node.js 和 Chromium 上下文结合起来意味着什么?)
在一篇博文中,作者提到 Electron 将 Node 和 Chromium 组合成一个单一的context" 这意味着我们不必使用 Browserify 来转换代码.
In a blog post the author mentions that Electron combines Node and Chromium into a "single context" which implies that we don't have to use Browserify to transform code.
我知道 Electron 的一个含义是您可以使用 Web 技术构建跨平台的桌面应用程序.我也理解我们能够写入文件系统的原因是因为 Electron 已经嵌入了 Node.此外,我们能够使用 HTML/CSS/JS/DevTools 的原因是因为 Chromium 被嵌入了.但是,我不要以为作者在说这个.
I understand that one implication of Electron is you can build cross-platform desktop apps using web technologies. I also understand the reason why we're able to write to the filesystem is because Electron has Node baked in. Also, the reason we're able to use HTML/CSS/JS/DevTools is because Chromium is baked in. However, I don't think this is what the author is talking about.
- Electron 如何将 Node 和 Chromium 组合成一个单一上下文"?
- 为什么不再需要使用 Browserify?
Chromium 是一个基于 Webkit 的 Web 浏览器,带有 V8 javascript 引擎.它支持所有常用的浏览器和 DOM API,因此适合制作网页,但不擅长与底层系统交互.
Chromium is a Webkit based web browser with the V8 javascript engine. It supports all the usual browser and DOM APIs and thus is good for making web pages and not good at interacting with the underlying system.
Node.js 是通过剥离 V8 引擎、制作无头命令行应用程序并添加广泛的 API 来访问文件系统而构建的,require()
其他文件、运行其他 shell 程序等(您对真正的脚本语言的期望.
Node.js was built by striping out the V8 engine, making a headless command line application, and adding extensive APIs to access the file system, require()
other files, run other shell programs, etc. (things you'd expect of a true scripting language.
Electron 以一种简化的方式尝试将 Chromium 中使用的 V8 引擎替换为新的更通用的 Node.js 引擎.它向 node.js 公开了一些额外的 API 以允许打开 chromium 窗口,但也允许使用 <script>
的每个 chromium 窗口标记将使用 node.js 引擎对其进行解释.
Electron in a simplified way is an attempt to replace the V8 engine used in Chromium with the new more general purpose oriented one of Node.js. It exposes a few extra APIs to node.js to allow for opening chromium windows, but also every chromium window using a <script>
tag will interpret it with the node.js engine.
为什么选择 Electron? Chromium 不能自己做到这一点的原因是因为它最初被设计为一个网络浏览器,而在网络浏览器中,文件系统 API 将是闻所未闻的,因为通常文件是托管在远程服务器上并访问用户计算机上的文件会带来安全风险(因为为什么任何单个网页都可以访问您的所有文件?).
Why Electron? The reason that Chromium can't do this by itself is because it was originally designed to be a web browser and in web browsers file system APIs would be unheard of as typically files are hosted on a remote server and accessing files on a user's computer would be a security risk (because why should any single webpage have access to all your files?).
语句现在可以开箱即用,因为 node.js 具有文件系统支持将允许它们从磁盘同步读取,而无需将它们捆绑到同一个 javascript 文件或从服务器.
statements now work out of the box because node.js has filesystem support will allows them to be synchronously read from the disk without the need for bundling them into the same javascript file or requesting them from a server.
这篇关于Electron 将 Node.js 和 Chromium 上下文结合起来意味着什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:Electron 将 Node.js 和 Chromium 上下文结合起来意味着

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