
download attribute not suggesting file extension in save dialog(下载属性在保存对话框中不建议文件扩展名)



我正在使用下载链接,在电子中,链接打开,但 Save as type 只显示 All Files (*.*) 有没有办法使用电子仅使用 <a> 标记在该字段中强制文件扩展名?这在显示 MY_EXTENSION (*.my_extension) 的 chrome 中有效,但在电子中却没有.如果您在新名称中重命名没有扩展名的文件,这很有用,下载时会自动添加它.

I am using a download link and in electron, the link opens but the Save as type only shows All Files (*.*) Is there a way for electron to force a file extension in that field using just an <a> tag? This works in chrome where it shows MY_EXTENSION (*.my_extension), but in electron it does not. This is useful for if you rename the file without the extension in the new name, it will automatically add it when downloaded.


<a href="/path/to/file.my_extension" download>Download File</a>


Here is what the server response looks like:

res.set('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + req.params.name + '.my_extension');
res.set('Content-Type', 'application/zip');


你可以使用 DownloadItem 在你的电子主进程中拦截下载.

You can use DownloadItem in your main process in electron to intercept the download.

然后你可以调用 downloadItem.setSaveDialogOptions 修改电子将显示的保存对话框.

Then you can call downloadItem.setSaveDialogOptions to modify the save dialog that will be displayed by electron.

在保存选项中,您可以指定 FileFilters,它将控制用户在保存文件时可以选择哪些扩展名.

In the save options you can specify the FileFilters which will control from which extensions the user can choose when saving the file.


// in your main process:
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron');

// create the default window
let win = new BrowserWindow();

// handle download event
win.webContents.session.on('will-download', (event, item, webContents) => {
  // TODO: find out what the user is downloading and set options accordingly
    filters: [
      // Set your allowed file extensions here
      {name: "My Special Filter", extensions: ["special"]},
      {name: "Images", extensions: ["jpg", "png"]
    message: "Please pick your poison"


