如何从 Atom 电子应用程序中调用 Shell 脚本或 py

How to call Shell script or python script in from a Atom electron app(如何从 Atom 电子应用程序中调用 Shell 脚本或 python 脚本)

本文介绍了如何从 Atom 电子应用程序中调用 Shell 脚本或 python 脚本的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 Atom 电子为 Mac 和 Windows 编写桌面应用程序.

I'm trying to use the Atom electron to write a Desktop App for both Mac and Windows.



当用户单击按钮时,它会运行以下 shell(或 python 脚本):

And when the user click the button it runs the following shell (or python script):

ping x.x.x.x


And the result will be displayed in a TextArea.

我尝试使用 [shelljs] 和 [yargs],但它似乎不适用于 Atom electron.

I tried to use [shelljs] and [yargs] but it seems like it is not workable with Atom electron.

我想要的只是使用 JAVASCRIPT 编写桌面应用程序(当然是 GUI),它调用一些脚本(shell && python)来做一些自动化工作.

All I want is to use JAVASCRIPT to write Desktop App (with GUI of course) that calls some script (shell && python) to do some automation work.


Any suggestion will be appreciated, thanks :)



It can be done directly with Node, you can use the child_process module. Please notice this is asynchronous.

const exec = require('child_process').exec;

function execute(command, callback) {
    exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => { 

// call the function
execute('ping -c 4', (output) => {

我鼓励你也看看 npm,有大量的模块可以帮助你做你想做的事想要,无需调用 python 脚本.

I encourage you to also have a look at npm, there are tons of modules that could help you to do what you want, without calling a python script.

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本文标题为:如何从 Atom 电子应用程序中调用 Shell 脚本或 py
