
React-Router: No Not Found Route?(React-Router:没有找不到路由?)



Consider the following:

var AppRoutes = [
    <Route handler={App} someProp="defaultProp">
        <Route path="/" handler={Page} />

    <Route  handler={App} someProp="defaultProp">
        <Route path="/" handler={Header} >
            <Route path="/withheader" handler={Page} />

    <Route handler={App} someProp="defaultProp">
        <Route path=":area" handler={Area} />
        <Route path=":area/:city" handler={Area} />
        <Route path=":area/:city/:locale" handler={Area} />
        <Route path=":area/:city/:locale/:type" handler={Area} />

I have an App Template, a HeaderTemplate, and Parameterized set of routes with the same handler (within App template). I want to be able to serve 404 routes when something is not found. For example, /CA/SanFrancisco should be found and handled by Area, whereas /SanFranciscoz should 404.

Here's how I quickly test the routes.

['', '/', '/withheader', '/SanFranciscoz', '/ca', '/CA', '/CA/SanFrancisco', '/CA/SanFrancisco/LowerHaight', '/CA/SanFrancisco/LowerHaight/condo'].forEach(function(path){, path, function(Handler, state){
        var output = React.renderToString(<Handler/>);
        console.log(output, '

The problem is /SanFranciscoz is always being handled by the Area page, but I want it to 404. Also, if I add a NotFoundRoute to the first route configuration, all the Area pages 404.

<Route handler={App} someProp="defaultProp">
    <Route path="/" handler={Page} />
    <NotFoundRoute handler={NotFound} />

What am I doing wrong?

Here's a gist that can be downloaded and experimented on.


DefaultRoute and NotFoundRoute were removed in react-router 1.0.0.

I'd like to emphasize that the default route with the asterisk has to be last in the current hierarchy level to work. Otherwise it will override all other routes that appear after it in the tree because it's first and matches every path.

For react-router 1, 2 and 3

If you want to display a 404 and keep the path (Same functionality as NotFoundRoute)

<Route path='*' exact={true} component={My404Component} />

If you want to display a 404 page but change the url (Same functionality as DefaultRoute)

<Route path='/404' component={My404Component} />
<Redirect from='*' to='/404' />

Example with multiple levels:

<Route path='/' component={Layout} />
    <IndexRoute component={MyComponent} />
    <Route path='/users' component={MyComponent}>
        <Route path='user/:id' component={MyComponent} />
        <Route path='*' component={UsersNotFound} />
    <Route path='/settings' component={MyComponent} />
    <Route path='*' exact={true} component={GenericNotFound} />

For react-router 4 and 5

Keep the path

    <Route exact path="/users" component={MyComponent} />
    <Route component={GenericNotFound} />

Redirect to another route (change url)

    <Route path="/users" component={MyComponent} />
    <Route path="/404" component={GenericNotFound} />
    <Redirect to="/404" />

The order matters!


