使用 <v-for> 以表格格式显示多个复选框和 <v-checkbox>在 Vuetify 中?

Display multiple checkbox in table format using lt;v-forgt; and lt;v-checkboxgt; in Vuetify?(使用 lt;v-forgt; 以表格格式显示多个复选框和 lt;v-checkboxgt;在 Vuetify 中?)

本文介绍了使用 <v-for> 以表格格式显示多个复选框和 <v-checkbox>在 Vuetify 中?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





CodePen 网址: https://codepen.io/dhnsh/pen/ZRMgoE

我也尝试使用 table 而不是 layout 和 flex 但无法做到.在 codepen 中,我使用函数 'checkLength' 来获取下一个索引,因为使用预增量运算符递增 'index' 会产生错误(可能是由于数组超出范围).


1) 我们如何在 Vuetify 中显示所需的输出?

2) 有没有像我们在 Javascript 中所做的那样以2"的增量迭代v-for"?例如:

 for(var i=0;i


你应该把 v-layout 放在 v-for

 <div class="mr-4 ml-4 whiteback userGroupHeight"><v-layout 换行><v-flex v-for="(category,index) in types" :key="types[index].text" xs6><v-checkbox light :label="category.text" v-model="category.selected"></v-复选框></v-flex></v-布局></div>



I'm using the VuetifyJs for VueJS and I'm trying to display checkbox in table format from an array of objects. Desired Output shown below :

When 'All Users' is checked all the checkboxes should be checked.

I created a row layout and divided this row into two flex boxes so I have the structure of row with two columns. I loop using 'v-for' and for every row display the value of the current index and the next index. But the last entry is repeated the next time the loop is iterated. The closest I could reach is as shown below:

CodePen Url: https://codepen.io/dhnsh/pen/ZRMgoE

I also tried to use table instead of layout and flex but could not make it. In the codepen I use the function 'checkLength' to get the next index because incrementing the 'index' with pre-increment operator gives error(probably due to array goes out of bounds).

I am struggling with the below queries :

1) How can we display the desired output in Vuetify ?

2) Is there anyway to iterate 'v-for' with increment of "2" like we can do in Javascript ? ex:

    for(var i=0;i<array.length();i += 2)


You should put v-layout outside of v-for

  <div class="mr-4 ml-4 whiteback userGroupHeight">
          <v-layout row wrap>
                <v-flex v-for="(category,index) in types" :key="types[index].text" xs6>
                  <v-checkbox light :label="category.text" v-model="category.selected">

then you don't need to use checkLength method.

Demo: https://codepen.io/ittus/pen/ZRqYME

这篇关于使用 &lt;v-for&gt; 以表格格式显示多个复选框和 &lt;v-checkbox&gt;在 Vuetify 中?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:使用 &lt;v-for&gt; 以表格格式显示多个复选框和 &lt;v-checkbox&gt;在 Vuetify 中?
