如何动态编译添加到 VueJS 模板中的组件?

How to dynamically compile a component added to a template in VueJS?(如何动态编译添加到 VueJS 模板中的组件?)

本文介绍了如何动态编译添加到 VueJS 模板中的组件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 VueJS 2 构建博客.我的大部分文章都存储为 Markdown 文件,但我希望能够使用 Markdown 未涵盖的功能来涵盖一些更高级的主题.我正在考虑制作这些特殊的帖子 VueJS 组件,它们将在模板中用作 <article-name><special-article article-title="{{articleTitle}}">.很简单.

我已经加载了组件,所以我需要做的就是将模板字符串编译成真正的模板.我可能对我的 AngularJS 背景而不是 Vue 想得太多.

我找不到在 VueJS 中动态地将组件添加到模板的任何可靠方向.


您可以使用 Vue.compile.请注意,它并非在所有版本中都可用.文档中对此进行了介绍.


console.clear()常量文章 = [{标题:测试",articleTemplate: "<article-title></article-title>"},{标题:测试2",articleTemplate: "<special-article :article-title='title'></special-article>"},]Vue.component("文章标题",{模板:`<span>文章标题</span>`})Vue.component("特别篇", {道具:[文章标题"],模板:`

<h1>{{articleTitle}}</h1><p>部分文章正文</p></div>`})新的 Vue({埃尔:#app",数据:{文章},计算:{已编译的文章(){返回 this.articles.map(a => {//编译模板让模板 = Vue.compile(a.articleTemplate)//使用编译模板构建组件定义对象.//data 函数返回什么取决于你在哪里//数据来自.返回 Object.assign({}, 模板, {data(){return a}})})}}})

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.9/vue.min.js"></脚本><div id="app"><component v-for="article in compiledArticles" :is="article"></component></div>

I am building a blog with VueJS 2. Most of my articles are stored as Markdown files, but I want to me able to cover some more advanced topics, using features that Markdown doesn't cover. I am considering making these special posts VueJS components that would be used in a template as <article-name>, or <special-article article-title="{{articleTitle}}">. Pretty simple.

I have the component loaded already, so all I need to do is compile the template string into a real template. I might be thinking too much with my AngularJS background rather than with Vue.

I can't find any solid direction for dynamically adding a component to a template in VueJS.


You can compile a template with Vue.compile. Just be aware it's not available in all builds. That's covered in the documentation.

Getting the data associated with it is a little more work.


const articles = [
    title: "Testing",
    articleTemplate: "<article-title></article-title>"
    title: "Testing 2",
    articleTemplate: "<special-article :article-title='title'></special-article>"

  template: `<span>Article Title</span>`

Vue.component("special-article", {
  template: `
      <p>Some article text</p>

new Vue({
  el: "#app",
    compiledArticles() {
      return this.articles.map(a => {
        // compile the template
        let template = Vue.compile(a.articleTemplate)
        // build a component definition object using the compile template.
        // What the data function returns is up to you depending on where 
        // the data comes from.
        return Object.assign({}, template, {data(){return a}})

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.9/vue.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
  <component v-for="article in compiledArticles" :is="article"></component>

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本文标题为:如何动态编译添加到 VueJS 模板中的组件?
