How to generate and prompt to save a file from content in the client browser?(如何从客户端浏览器的内容中生成并提示保存文件?)
I have a situation where I need to give my users the option to save some data stored locally in their client memory to disk. The current workaround I have is having a handler like this
(define-handler (download-deck) ((deck :json))
(setf (header-out :content-type) "application/json"
(header-out :content-disposition) "attachment")
which does exactly what it looks like. The client sends their data up, and saves the returned file locally.
Please, please tell me there's a better, simpler, cross-browser way to let a client save some local data to their disk with a file-save dialog box.
我读到的关于该主题的每个答案要么说不,你不能用 javascript 保存文件",要么是是的,Chrome API 有一个半文档化的部分可以让你在三页内完成".
Every answer I read on the subject either says "no, you can't save files with javascript" or "yes, there's this one semi-documented piece of the Chrome API that might let you do it in three pages".
这个FileSaver"库可能会有所帮助.如果你想让它合理地跨浏览器,你还需要 this 来实现W3C Blob API 在尚未实现的地方.两者都尊重命名空间,并且完全与框架无关,所以不用担心命名问题.
This "FileSaver" library may help. If you want it to be reasonably cross-browser, you'll also need this to implement the W3C Blob API in places it's not already implemented. Both respect namespaces, and are completely framework agnostic, so don't worry about naming issues.
Once you've got those included, and as long as you're only saving text files, you should be able to
var blob = new Blob(["Hello, world!"], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"});
saveAs(blob, "hello world.txt");
请注意,new Blob
Note that the first argument to new Blob
has to be a list of strings, and that you're expected to specify the filename. As in, the user will see this file being downloaded locally, but won't be able to name it themselves. Hopefully they're using a browser that handles local filename collisions...

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