Flot 图表 - 打开/关闭系列

Flot charts- toggling a series on/off(Flot 图表 - 打开/关闭系列)

本文介绍了Flot 图表 - 打开/关闭系列的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我成功建立了我的 flot 图表,基于 这篇上一篇文章

I was successfully established my flot chart, based on this previous post


I want to enable to viewer to show/hide the series with a click. I found bunch of solutions, both official and others, but none of those worked for me. I'll explain:

  1. 官方开启/关闭系列:这行得通,但看起来很混乱,因为传说最终被复制了两次(一旦系列关闭,官方传说就会消失).
  2. Hiddengraphs.js:这是一个插件,可以在插件库中找到,但它无法与 Chrome 很好地交互(尝试了不止一台机器,它只是不起作用).
  3. 这个解决方案实际上非常好(我不介意没有复选框可以检查),但是当我将它集成到我的代码中时,我得到的只是跳转"到页面顶部,没有任何反应.
  4. 最后,我找到了这个解决方案,虽然使用另一个 js,但它也有效库,称为 flot.togglelegend.js.在这个实现中,我发现了与 flot.cust.js 的一些主要冲突,并且无法让它们一起工作.
  1. Official turning series on/off: this works, but looks very messy as the legend is eventually duplicated twice (disappears from official legend once the series turned off).
  2. Hiddengraphs.js: this is a plugin which can be found at the plugin repository, but it doesn't work and interact well with Chrome (tried more than one machine, it just don't work).
  3. This solution is actually really nice (I don't mind that there are no checkboxes to check), but when I integrated it into my code, all I got was "jumping" to the top of the page, and nothing happens.
  4. Lastly, I found this solution, which also works, altough using another js library, called flot.togglelegend.js. In this implementation I found some major conflicts with flot.cust.js, and couldn't get them both to work together.


Here's my current js (written in coffeescript)

    colorArray = []
    colorArray.push "rgba(180, 0, 75,    0.6)"
    colorArray.push "rgba(0, 150, 100,   0.6)"
    colorArray.push "rgba(0, 0, 255,     0.6)"
    colorArray.push "rgba(140, 0, 255,   0.6)"
    colorArray.push "rgba(90, 180, 20,   0.6)"
    colorArray.push "rgba(255, 236, 0,   0.6)"
    colorArray.push "rgba(234, 170, 21,  0.6)"
    colorArray.push "rgba(95, 180, 190,  0.6)"
    colorArray.push "rgba(214, 92, 63,   0.6)"
    colorArray.push "rgba(218, 106, 234, 0.6)"
    colorArray.push "rgba(213, 128, 155, 0.6)"

    # chart colors default 
    $chrt_border_color = "#efefef"
    $chrt_grid_color = "#DDD"
    $chrt_main = "#E24913"

    # red       
    $chrt_second = "#6595b4"
    # blue      
    $chrt_third = "#FF9F01"
    # orange    
    $chrt_fourth = "#7e9d3a"
    # green     
    $chrt_fifth = "#BD362F"
    # dark red  
    $chrt_mono = "#000"

    Chart = 

    generateDataObjects: (all_series, all_series_data) ->
        plotData = []

        for series, i in all_series
            obj =
                label: series.replace /__/g, "|"
                data: all_series_data[i]
                color: colorArray[i]

            plotData.push obj

        return plotData

    togglePlot: (seriesIdx) ->
        someData = plot.getData()
        someData[seriesIdx].lines.show = not someData[seriesIdx].lines.show
        plot.setData someData

    getTooltip: (label, xval, yval, flotItem) ->
            return 'Build: <span>'+ flotItem.series.data[flotItem.dataIndex][6]+'</span>' +" |     Run ID: <strong> #{flotItem.series.data[flotItem.dataIndex][7].toString()}</strong>" + '<br> Result: <span>'+Chart.commify(yval)+'</span>'

    commify: (x) ->
        return x.toString().replace(/B(?=(d{3})+(?!d))/g, ",");

    generateChartOptions: (legend_container, ticks) ->
        return (
                    show: true

                    show: true

                mode: "x"

                container: $("##{legend_container}")
                labelFormatter: (label, series) ->
                    "<a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="Chart.togglePlot(" + series.idx + "); return false;">" + label + "</a>"
                noColumns: 4
                # hideable: true

              hoverable: true
              clickable: true
              tickColor: $chrt_border_color
              borderWidth: 0
              borderColor: $chrt_border_color

            tooltip: true
              content : Chart.getTooltip
              #content : "Value <b>$x</b> Value <span>$y</span>",
              defaultTheme: false

                ticks: ticks
                rotateTicks: 30

                mode: "xy"

     jQuery ->
        if $("#normalized_bw_chart").length         # render only if the chart-id is present

            raw_data = $("#normalized_bw_chart").data('results')
            ticks = $("#normalized_bw_chart").data('ticks')
            all_series = $("#normalized_bw_chart").data('series')

            plot = $.plot($("#normalized_bw_chart"), Chart.generateDataObjects(all_series, raw_data), Chart.generateChartOptions('normalized_bw_legend', ticks))    

        if $("#concurrent_flows_chart").length      # render only if the chart-id is present

            raw_data = $("#concurrent_flows_chart").data('results')
            ticks = $("#concurrent_flows_chart").data('ticks')
            all_series = $("#concurrent_flows_chart").data('series')

            plot = $.plot($("#concurrent_flows_chart"), Chart.generateDataObjects(all_series, raw_data), Chart.generateChartOptions('concurrent_flows_legend', ticks))

        if $("#bandwidth_chart").length         # render only if the chart-id is present

            raw_data = $("#bandwidth_chart").data('results')
            ticks = $("#bandwidth_chart").data('ticks')
            all_series = $("#bandwidth_chart").data('series')

            plot = $.plot($("#bandwidth_chart"), Chart.generateDataObjects(all_series, raw_data), Chart.generateChartOptions('bandwidth_legend', ticks))    

        $("[data-behavior~=chart-selection]").bind "plotselected", (event, ranges) ->
                selected_chart = $(this).attr('id')[0...-6] # slicing the name of the selected item
                console.log  ("zooming in to " + selected_chart)
                plot = $.plot($("##{selected_chart}_chart"), plot.getData(), $.extend(true, {}, Chart.generateChartOptions(selected_chart+'_legend', ticks),
                    min: ranges.xaxis.from
                    max: ranges.xaxis.to

                    min: ranges.yaxis.from
                    max: ranges.yaxis.to

        $("[data-behavior~=chart-selection]").bind "dblclick", (event, pos, item) ->
                selected_chart = $(this).attr('id')[0...-6] # slicing the name of the selected item
                console.log  ("zooming out to " + selected_chart)
                plot = $.plot($("##{selected_chart}_chart"), plot.getData(), $.extend(true, {}, Chart.generateChartOptions(selected_chart+'_legend', ticks),
                    min: null
                    max: null
                min: null
                max: null




1) 当 Chart 对象的作用域不是全局的时,直接在 HTML 中的 onClick 是个坏主意.我将其更改为 jquery 事件处理程序:

1) The onClick directly in the HTML is a bad idea when the scope of the Chart object is not global. I changed it to a jquery event handler:

$('body').on 'click', 'a.legendtoggle', (event) ->
    return false

2)labelFormatter函数中的series对象没有idx属性,所以我在Chart<中使用了一个变量/code> 对象:

2) The series object in the labelFormatter function has no idx property, so I used a variable inside the Chart object:

labelFormatter: (label, series) ->
    "<a href="#" class="legendtoggle" data-index="" + Chart.legendindex++ + "">" + label + "</a>"

3) 我还将您的 plot 对象放在 Chart 中,以便可以在 togglePlot 函数中访问它.我将 lines 更改为 points 因为您的数据每个系列只有一个数据点:

3) I also put your plot object inside Chart so that it can be accessed inside the togglePlot function. And I changed the lines to points since your data has only one datapoint per series:

togglePlot: (seriesIdx) ->
    someData = this.plot.getData()
    someData[seriesIdx].points.show = not someData[seriesIdx].points.show
    this.plot.setData someData


That should be all I changed, but compare for yourself if I got everything.
Here is a working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jhpgtxz1/2/

PS:我再也不会使用 CoffeeScript 了 :-(

PS: Never again CoffeeScript for me :-(

这篇关于Flot 图表 - 打开/关闭系列的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:Flot 图表 - 打开/关闭系列
