鼠标悬停消息显示在图像 jquery/js 的某些部分

mouse hover message display over certain parts of image jquery/js(鼠标悬停消息显示在图像 jquery/js 的某些部分)

本文介绍了鼠标悬停消息显示在图像 jquery/js 的某些部分的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 html/php 页面尺寸为 500x500 像素上有这张图片.现在我希望它的部分被切片,当用户将鼠标悬停在图像不同部分的图像上时,应显示不同的消息..

I have this image on html/php page dimensions 500x500 pixels. Now I want that its portions are sliced and when user bring his mouse over the image at different portions of image different message shall be displayed..

假设图像被分成 20 个部分,或者我为每个切片选取开始和结束坐标.我如何制作一些 js 代码,以便在同一张图像上有不同区域的不同消息(工具提示)显示..

Lets say that image is sliced in 20 parts or I pick up starting and ending coordinates for each slice.. How can I make some sore of js code so that on same image there are different areas where different messages (tooltip) are displayed..



I thought of programming using map, area and coordinates methods.. But no luck finishing it..



<script language="JavaScript">
function getDetails(obj){
clickX = window.event.x-obj.offsetLeft;
clickY = window.event.y-obj.offsetTop;
    alert(" You are between (100,100) And (200,200) of the Image");
<img src="image.jpg" onMousemove="getDetails(this)" id="myimg" height="500" width="500" />

Jquery 版本:

<script language="JavaScript">
  var offset = $("#myimg").offset();
  var clickX=e.clientX - offset.left;
  var clickY=e.clientY - offset.top;
    alert(" You are between (100,100) And (200,200) of the Image");
<img src="image.jpg"  id="myimg" height="500" width="500" />


this code will get the mouse co-ordinate relative to image after hovering the image and then will check if co-ordinates are of certain area are hovered ? and will give you the alert message if they are hovered.


这篇关于鼠标悬停消息显示在图像 jquery/js 的某些部分的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:鼠标悬停消息显示在图像 jquery/js 的某些部分
