Extjs 4 网格悬停效果

Extjs 4 Grid hover effect(Extjs 4 网格悬停效果)

本文介绍了Extjs 4 网格悬停效果的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 extjs 4 n rails.我有以列作为文件名的网格,它是超链接.我想在文件名的悬停效果上显示图像.图像以二进制形式保存在数据库中.现在我想在网格中显示文件名悬停效果的图像.

I am working with extjs 4 n rails. i have grid that has column as filename which is hyperlink. i want to display image on hover effect of filename. the image is saved as binary in database. now i want to display image on hover effect of filename in grid.


我会在 view 中的 mouseover 上放置一个监听器,然后将其显示为一个普通的 <img src='your url'>在工具提示或其他容器中

i would put a listener on mouseover in the view and then show it as an ordinary <img src='your url'> in a tooltip or other container

viewConfig: {stripeRows: false, trackOver:true},
selType: 'cellmodel',
columns: [
  {text: "Filename", dataIndex: 'filename', 
    listeners: {
      'mouseover': function(){
        //show your container

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本文标题为:Extjs 4 网格悬停效果
