
How to synchronize Google Calendar amp; Spreadsheet with Script(如何同步谷歌日历和带有脚本的电子表格)



我正在尝试创建一个 Google Apps 脚本,以使 Google 日历和云端硬盘上的主电子表格"保持同步——这可能吗?我找到了这两个帖子:

I am trying to create a Google Apps Script that keeps a Google Calendar and a "master spreadsheet" on Drive synchronized -- is this possible? I found these two posts:

  • http://blog.ouseful.info/2010/03/04/maintaining-google-calendars-from-a-google-spreadsheet/


我很确定这可以使用大量 if 语句和逻辑来完成,但也许有更简单的方法?

I'm quite sure this could be done using a lot of if statements and logic, but maybe there's a simpler way?


I ended up just providing the following simple script. All that was really necessary was adding events based on two columns, and this would've taken too long to develop.

function onOpen() {
  //spawns a menu with a button that triggers AddToCal
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var entries = [{
    name : "Add event to calendar",
    functionName : "AddToCal"
  sheet.addMenu("Data To Calendar Plugin", entries);

function AddToCal(){

  //get the current row
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var cell = ss.getActiveCell();
  var R = cell.getRow();

  //grab values for current row to pass to calendar event
  var date_of_event = ss.getRange('G'+R).getValue();
  var date = new Date(date_of_event);
  var event_title = ss.getRange('A'+R).getValue();
  //access the calendar
  var cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById('[IDREMOVED]');

  ss.toast("Event added to " + cal.getName());


是的,可能写一个双向事件同步脚本,但不会简单.您引用的那两个帖子具有可以重复使用的部分,但与您在实际同步中将面临的挑战相比,它们是非常基本的.您可能需要阅读 将 Google Apps 脚本用于活动预订系统,该系统会根据电子表格创建日历条目(但不会进行持续同步).我过去做过一些该脚本的调试.

Yes, it's possible to write a two-way event synchronization script, but it isn't going to be simple. Those two posts you refer have parts that could be reused, but they are quite elementary compared to the challenges you'll face with actual synchronization. You may want to read over Using Google Apps Script for a event booking system which does create calendar entries based on a spreadsheet (but doesn't do on-going synchronization). I've done some debugging of that script in past.


  • 在任一地点创建活动
  • 修改任一地点的活动详情(尽管您可以选择仅考虑部分活动详情以进行简化)
  • 删除任一位置的事件
  • 反复发作,例如CalendarEvent.getEventSeries() 处理(或选择避免)
  • Creation of events in either location
  • Modification of event details in either location (although you could opt to consider only a subset of event details for simplification)
  • Deletion of events in either location
  • Recurrence, e.g. CalendarEvent.getEventSeries() handling (or choose to avoid)


This is pseudo-code that you could start with:

Open Calendar, Read Calendar events into calArray (will all attributes you care for)
Open Spreadsheet, Read Spreadsheet events into sheetArray

For each event in calArray:
  Search for calEvent in sheetArray.
  If found, compare lastUpdated values.
    If equal, do nothing
    Otherwise copy most recently updated to least recently updated
    Continue with next event
  If not found then copy calEvent to new sheetEvent, including lastUpdated value.
  Continue with next event

For each event in the sheetArray (...that hasn't been handled yet)
  Similar logic above.

Write updated sheetArray to spreadsheet.
Write updated calEvents to calendar API (see note 1 below)


  1. 对 calEvents 的所有更新都可以立即写入数组并写入日历 API,作为批量更新的替代方案.这将消除在本地跟踪更改的需要,尽管触摸 lastUpdated 值是一个好主意.

  1. All updates to calEvents could be made to array and written to calendar API immediately, as an alternative to a bulk update. This would eliminate the need to track the changes locally, although it would be a good idea to touch the lastUpdated value.

您将希望在读取 calEvents 时使用 CalendarEvent.getLastUpdated(),并将类似的值存储在您的电子表格中(与 onEdit 触发器相关联)以便于比较.

You will want to use CalendarEvent.getLastUpdated() when reading calEvents, and store a similar value in your spreadsheet (tied to an onEdit trigger) to facilitate comparisons.

这将简化记录 CalendarEvent.getId() 与电子表格中事件的比较.您还有 CalendarEvent.setTag(key,value) 可用于将自定义元数据记录到日历中,例如指示源自或已与您的电子表格同步的事件.(这些标签无法通过 GCal UI 访问,因此只能通过脚本访问.)

It would simplify comparisons to record CalendarEvent.getId() against events in the spreadsheet. You also have CalendarEvent.setTag(key,value) that could be used to record custom metadata into the calendar, for instance to indicate events that originated or have been synchronized with your spreadsheet. (These tags are not accessible through the GCal UI, so would only be accessible via script.)


You should think about the range of dates or number of events you want to deal with, and limit the scope of the script. If you don't, you are sure to run into execution time limits in real operation.


Some Calendar Event characteristics don't lend themselves to easy expression in a spreadsheet, for instance:

  • 宾客名单
  • 提醒列表


