Iterating over odd (even) elements only in a range-based loop(仅在基于范围的循环中迭代奇数(偶数)元素)
Suppose we have a plain array (or other container which supports range-based loops):
const int N = 8;
int arr[N] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
Using indexes or iterators, we can loop over odd elements and increment the index by two:
for (int i = 0; i < N; i+=2)
std::cout << arr[i] << std::endl;
How can I get a similar result by using a range-based loop and avoiding explicit iterators/indexes and iteration skipping? Something like this:
for (const auto& v: odd_only(arr))
std::cout << v << std::endl;
What does a simple and elegant solution look like? Does the standard library contain something like this?
There's no support for what you request – but you might write your own even_only
and odd_only
Basic idea is to wrap around the normal iterator of the container in question and do a double increment internally each time we increment once externally:
template <typename C, bool IsOdd>
class even_odd_only
C& c;
class iterator
// all the definitions required for iterator!
// most if not all might simply be derived from C::iterator...
// copy/move constructor/assignment as needed
// core of the wrapper: increment twice internally!
// just doing += 2 is dangerous, though, we might increment beyond
// the end iterator (undefined behaviour!)additionally, += 2 only
// is possible for random access iterators (so we limit usability)
void operator++() { ++b; if(b != e) ++b; }
// operator* and operator-> (both return *b), post-increment
// (defined in terms of pre-increment), etc...
// comparison: only needs to compare b iterators!
C::iterator b;
C::iterator e; // needed for comparison to avoid incrementing beyond!
iterator(C::iterator b, C::iterator e) : b(b), e(e) { }
// const_iterator, too; possibly make a template of above
// and derive const and non-const iterators from?
even_odd_only(C& c) : c(c) { }
iterator begin()
using std::begin;
using std::end;
using std::empty;
auto b = begin(c);
// should be self-explanatory:
// skip first element in odd variant (if there is)
if constexpr(IsOdd) { if(!empty(c)) { ++b; } }
return iterator(b, end(c));
iterator end()
using std::end;
return iterator(end(c), end(c));
template <typename T>
using even_only = even_odd_base<T, false>;
template <typename T>
using odd_only = even_odd_base<T, true>;
As is, it would work even with non-random-access and even non-bidirectional iterators. But especially for RA-iterators, it's less efficient than the classic loop (due to the intermediate if in operator++
Defining comparison iterators: always operator==
and operator!=
, only for random access operators you can additionally have operator[<|>|<=|>=]
(→ std::enable_if
You'll find more details about how to write an iterator here – keep in mind when you encounter, though, that std::iterator
itself is deprecated now.

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