How to create a container that holds different types of function pointers in C++?(如何在 C++ 中创建一个包含不同类型函数指针的容器?)
I'm doing a linear genetic programming project, where programs are bred and evolved by means of natural evolution mechanisms. Their "DNA" is basically a container (I've used arrays and vectors successfully) which contain function pointers to a set of functions available. Now, for simple problems, such as mathematical problems, I could use one type-defined function pointer which could point to functions that all return a double and all take as parameters two doubles.
Unfortunately this is not very practical. I need to be able to have a container which can have different sorts of function pointers, say a function pointer to a function which takes no arguments, or a function which takes one argument, or a function which returns something, etc (you get the idea)...
Is there any way to do this using any kind of container ? Could I do that using a container which contains polymorphic classes, which in their turn have various kinds of function pointers? I hope someone can direct me towards a solution because redesigning everything I've done so far is going to be painful.
A typical idea for virtual machines is to have a separate stack that is used for argument and return value passing.
您的函数仍然可以都是 void fn(void) 类型,但您需要手动传递和返回参数.
Your functions can still all be of type void fn(void), but you do argument passing and returning manually.
class ArgumentStack {
void push(double ret_val) { m_stack.push_back(ret_val); }
double pop() {
double arg = m_stack.back();
return arg;
std::vector<double> m_stack;
ArgumentStack stack;
...所以函数可能如下所示: a function could look like this:
// Multiplies two doubles on top of the stack.
void multiply() {
// Read arguments.
double a1 = stack.pop();
double a2 = stack.pop();
// Multiply!
double result = a1 * a2;
// Return the result by putting it on the stack.
// Calculate 4 * 2.
printf("2 * 4 = %f
", stack.pop());
这篇关于如何在 C++ 中创建一个包含不同类型函数指针的容器?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:如何在 C++ 中创建一个包含不同类型函数指针的容器?

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