
[cpp] view plain copy
- class CefBrowserProcessHandler : public virtual CefBase {
- public:
- ///
- // Called on the browser process UI thread immediately after the CEF context
- // has been initialized.
- ///
- /*--cef()--*/
- virtual void OnContextInitialized() {}
- ///
- // Called before a child process is launched. Will be called on the browser
- // process UI thread when launching a render process and on the browser
- // process IO thread when launching a GPU or plugin process. Provides an
- // opportunity to modify the child process command line. Do not keep a
- // reference to |command_line| outside of this method.
- ///
- /*--cef()--*/
- <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"> virtual void OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch(
- CefRefPtr<CefCommandLine> command_line) {}</span>
- ///
- // Called on the browser process IO thread after the main thread has been
- // created for a new render process. Provides an opportunity to specify extra
- // information that will be passed to
- // CefRenderProcessHandler::OnRenderThreadCreated() in the render process. Do
- // not keep a reference to |extra_info| outside of this method.
- ///
- /*--cef()--*/
- <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"> virtual void OnRenderProcessThreadCreated(
- CefRefPtr<CefListValue> extra_info) {}</span>
- ///
- // Return the handler for printing on Linux. If a print handler is not
- // provided then printing will not be supported on the Linux platform.
- ///
- /*--cef()--*/
- virtual CefRefPtr<CefPrintHandler> GetPrintHandler() {
- return NULL;
- }
- ///
- // Called from any thread when work has been scheduled for the browser process
- // main (UI) thread. This callback is used in combination with CefSettings.
- // external_message_pump and CefDoMessageLoopWork() in cases where the CEF
- // message loop must be integrated into an existing application message loop
- // (see additional comments and warnings on CefDoMessageLoopWork). This
- // callback should schedule a CefDoMessageLoopWork() call to happen on the
- // main (UI) thread. |delay_ms| is the requested delay in milliseconds. If
- // |delay_ms| is <= 0 then the call should happen reasonably soon. If
- // |delay_ms| is > 0 then the call should be scheduled to happen after the
- // specified delay and any currently pending scheduled call should be
- // cancelled.
- ///
- /*--cef()--*/
- virtual void OnScheduleMessagePumpWork(int64 delay_ms) {}
- };
[cpp] view plain copy
- BOOL CMyBrowserApp::InitInstance()
- {
- InitCtrls.dwSize = sizeof(InitCtrls);
- InitCtrls.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES;
- InitCommonControlsEx(&InitCtrls);
- CWinAppEx::InitInstance();
- AfxEnableControlContainer();
- // Duilib Init
- DuiLib::CPaintManagerUI::SetInstance(AfxGetInstanceHandle());
- // CEF Init
- CefEnableHighDPISupport();
- CefSettings settings;
- settings.no_sandbox = true;
- settings.multi_threaded_message_loop = true;
- CefRefPtr<CCefBrowserApp> objApp(new CCefBrowserApp());
- CefMainArgs mainArgs(AfxGetInstanceHandle());
- CefInitialize(mainArgs, settings, objApp.get() /*NULL*/, NULL);
- TCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH];
- GetModuleFileName(NULL, szFilePath, MAX_PATH);
- _tcsrchr(szFilePath, _T('\\'))[1] = _T('\0');
- _tcscat(szFilePath, _T("index.html"));
- m_pBrowserWnd = new CBrowserWnd(szFilePath);
- m_pBrowserWnd->Create(NULL, NULL, UI_WNDSTYLE_DIALOG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
- m_pMainWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(m_pBrowserWnd->GetHWND());
- CRect rtWindow;
- GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rtWindow);
- ::MoveWindow(m_pBrowserWnd->GetHWND(), rtWindow.left, rtWindow.top, rtWindow.Width(), rtWindow.Height(), TRUE);
- m_pBrowserWnd->ShowModal();
- return FALSE;
- }
之后将cef设置更改为单进程模式:[cpp] view plain copy
- BOOL CMyBrowserApp::InitInstance()
- {
- InitCtrls.dwSize = sizeof(InitCtrls);
- InitCtrls.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES;
- InitCommonControlsEx(&InitCtrls);
- CWinAppEx::InitInstance();
- AfxEnableControlContainer();
- // Duilib Init
- DuiLib::CPaintManagerUI::SetInstance(AfxGetInstanceHandle());
- // CEF Init
- CefEnableHighDPISupport();
- CefSettings settings;
- settings.no_sandbox = true;
- settings.multi_threaded_message_loop = true;
- </span><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 102, 102);">#ifdef _DEBUG
- settings.single_process = true;
- #endif</span><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
- CefRefPtr<CCefBrowserApp> objApp(new CCefBrowserApp());
- CefMainArgs mainArgs(AfxGetInstanceHandle());
- CefInitialize(mainArgs, settings, objApp.get() /*NULL*/, NULL);
- TCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH];
- GetModuleFileName(NULL, szFilePath, MAX_PATH);
- _tcsrchr(szFilePath, _T('\\'))[1] = _T('\0');
- _tcscat(szFilePath, _T("index.html"));
- m_pBrowserWnd = new CBrowserWnd(szFilePath);
- m_pBrowserWnd->Create(NULL, NULL, UI_WNDSTYLE_DIALOG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
- m_pMainWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(m_pBrowserWnd->GetHWND());
- CRect rtWindow;
- GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rtWindow);
- ::MoveWindow(m_pBrowserWnd->GetHWND(), rtWindow.left, rtWindow.top, rtWindow.Width(), rtWindow.Height(), TRUE);
- m_pBrowserWnd->ShowModal();
- return FALSE;
- }
[cpp] view plain copy
- ///
- // Execute a string of JavaScript code in this frame. The |script_url|
- // parameter is the URL where the script in question can be found, if any.
- // The renderer may request this URL to show the developer the source of the
- // error. The |start_line| parameter is the base line number to use for error
- // reporting.
- ///
- /*--cef(optional_param=script_url)--*/
- virtual void ExecuteJavaScript(const CefString& code,
- const CefString& script_url,
- int start_line) =0;
[javascript] view plain copy
- <script type="text/javascript" >
- function showAlert()
- {
- alert("this is test string from js");
- }
- </script>
我们在c++里面就可以执行对应脚本:browser->getMainFrame->ExecuteJavaScript(_T("showAlert();"))就可以指定该函数了,执行后会弹出提示this is test string from js.
[cpp] view plain copy
- void CCefBrowserApp::OnContextCreated(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame,CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context) OVERRIDE
- {
- // The var type can accept all object or variable
- CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> window = context->GetGlobal();
- // bind value into window[or you can bind value into window sub node]
- CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> strValue = CefV8Value::CreateString(_T("say yes"));
- window->SetValue(_T("say_yes"), strValue, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);
- // bind function
- CefRefPtr<CV8JsHandler> pJsHandler(new CV8JsHandler());
- CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> myFunc = CefV8Value::CreateFunction(_T("addFunction"), pJsHandler);
- window->SetValue(_T("addFunction"), myFunc, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);
- CefRefPtr<CV8JsHandler> pJsHandler2(new CV8JsHandler());
- CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> myFunc2 = CefV8Value::CreateFunction(_T("hehe"), pJsHandler2);
- window->SetValue(_T("hehe"), myFunc2, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);
- }
(1)将一个say_yes值bind到window下(可以在window下建立多个对象,将值bind到其他值下就像dom一样)脚本中且值为"say yes"
[cpp] view plain copy
- bool CV8JsHandler::Execute(const CefString& func_name,
- CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> object,
- const CefV8ValueList& arguments,
- CefRefPtr<CefV8Value>& retval,
- CefString& exception)
- {
- if (func_name == _T("addFunction"))
- {
- int32 nSum = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
- {
- if(!arguments[i]->IsInt())
- return false;
- nSum += arguments[i]->GetIntValue();
- }
- retval = CefV8Value::CreateInt(nSum);
- return true;
- }
- else if (func_name == _T("hehe"))
- {
- retval = CefV8Value::CreateString(_T("hehe hehe!"));
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
[html] view plain copy
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8" />
- <script type="text/javascript" >
- function showValue()
- {
- alert(window.say_yes);// c++提供的值(bind到浏览器window下)
- }
- function showAlert()
- {
- alert("this is test string from js");
- }
- function sayHellow()
- {
- alert(g_value);
- }
- function add()
- {
- // add 函数名不能与window对象挂接addFunction相同
- var result = window.addFunction(10, 20);// C++提供的接口,bind到window对象上
- alert("10 + 20 = " + result);
- }
- function jsExt()
- {
- alert(test.myfunc());
- }
- </script>
- </head>
- <body style="width:100%;height:100%;background-color:green;">
- <p>这是c++与JS交互测试脚本</p>
- <div >
- <button onclick="showValue();">显示CEF中与窗口bind的test值</button>
- <button onclick="sayHellow();">说Hellow</button>
- <button onclick="add();">两个数相加</button>
- <button onclick="jsExt();">JS扩展</button>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
第一,window对象下注册了一个js全局值,我们很好理解,我们在js脚本中调用window.say_yes即可获取到对应值“say yes”。
第二,我们在js脚本中调用注册到window对象下的addFunction并传递任何参数(这里任何必须是你jshandler支持的任何),这里我调用的是:window.addFunction(10, 20),对应的cefv8jshandler中我的处理逻辑:
[cpp] view plain copy
- bool CV8JsHandler::Execute(const CefString& func_name,
- CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> object,
- const CefV8ValueList& arguments,
- CefRefPtr<CefV8Value>& retval,
- CefString& exception)
- {
- if (func_name == _T("addFunction"))
- {
- int32 nSum = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
- {
- if(!arguments[i]->IsInt())
- return false;
- nSum += arguments[i]->GetIntValue();
- }
- retval = CefV8Value::CreateInt(nSum);
- return true;
- }
- else if (func_name == _T("hehe"))
- {
- retval = CefV8Value::CreateString(_T("hehe hehe!"));
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
[cpp] view plain copy
- void CCefBrowserApp::OnWebKitInitialized()
- {
- std::string extensionCode =
- "var g_value=\"global value here\";"
- "var test;"
- "if (!test)"
- " test = {};"
- "(function() {"
- " test.myfunc = function() {"
- " native function hehe(int,int);"
- " return hehe(10, 50);"
- " };"
- "})();";
- // 声明本地函数 native function hehe();" 如果有参数列表需要写具体的类型,而不能写var类型!与本地声明一直
- // 调用本地函数 return hehe();"
- // Create an instance of my CefV8Handler object.
- CefRefPtr<CefV8Handler> handler = new CV8JsHandler();
- // Register the extension.
- CefRegisterExtension("v8/mycode", extensionCode, handler);
- }
The simplest way to execute JS from a client application is using the CefFrame::ExecuteJavaScript() function. This function is available in both the browser process and the renderer process and can safely be used from outside of a JS context.
CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser = ...; CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame = browser->GetMainFrame(); frame->ExecuteJavaScript("alert('ExecuteJavaScript works!');", frame->GetURL(), 0);
The ExecuteJavaScript() function can be used to interact with functions and variables in the frame's JS context. In order to return values from JS to the client application consider using Window Binding or Extensions
还有就是,虽然ExecuteJavaScript方法可以和context中的函数或变量产生交互,但是没有返回值,需要需要返回值,必须使用window bind方式或者js扩展方式
(2) 关于窗口bind方式注意
Window Binding
Window binding allows the client application to attach values to a frame's window
object. Window bindings are implemented using the CefRenderProcessHandler::OnContextCreated() method.
void MyRenderProcessHandler::OnContextCreated( CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, CefRefPtr<CefFrame> frame, CefRefPtr<CefV8Context> context) { // Retrieve the context's window object. CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> object = context->GetGlobal(); // Create a new V8 string value. See the "Basic JS Types" section below. CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> str = CefV8Value::CreateString("My Value!"); // Add the string to the window object as "window.myval". See the "JS Objects" section below. object->SetValue("myval", str, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); }
JavaScript in the frame can then interact with the window bindings.
<script language="JavaScript"> alert(window.myval); // Shows an alert box with "My Value!" </script>
Window bindings are reloaded each time a frame is reloaded giving the client application an opportunity to change the bindings if necessary. For example, different frames may be given access to different features in the client application by modifying the values that are bound to the window object for that frame.
Extensions are like window bindings except they are loaded into the context for every frame and cannot be modified once loaded. The DOM does not exist when an extension is loaded and attempts to access the DOM during extension loading will result in a crash. Extensions are registered using the CefRegisterExtension() function which should be called from the CefRenderProcessHandler::OnWebKitInitialized() method.
void MyRenderProcessHandler::OnWebKitInitialized() { // Define the extension contents. std::string extensionCode = "var test;" "if (!test)" " test = {};" "(function() {" " test.myval = 'My Value!';" "})();"; // Register the extension. CefRegisterExtension("v8/test", extensionCode, NULL); }
The string represented by extensionCode
can be any valid JS code. JS in the frame can then interact with the extension code.
<script language="JavaScript"> alert(test.myval); // Shows an alert box with "My Value!" </script>
js扩展就像window bind,只不过js扩展被载入到每一个frame的context中,而且一旦被载入后就不能再修改;另外就是当js扩展载入的时候 DOM还并不存在,所以在js扩展被载入过程中不要访问DOM,否则会导致崩溃!js扩展是通过在CefRenderProcessHandler::OnWebKitInitialized()进程中使用CefRegisterExtension函数进行注册。
Working with Contexts
Each frame in a browser window has its own V8 context. The context defines the scope for all variables, objects and functions defined in that frame. V8 will be inside a context if the current code location has a CefV8Handler, CefV8Accessor or OnContextCreated()/OnContextReleased() callback higher in the call stack.
The OnContextCreated() and OnContextReleased() methods define the complete life span for the V8 context associated with a frame. You should be careful to follow the below rules when using these methods:
Do not hold onto or use a V8 context reference past the call to OnContextReleased() for that context.
The lifespan of all V8 objects is unspecified (up to the GC). Be careful when maintaining references directly from V8 objects to your own internal implementation objects. In many cases it may be better to use a proxy object that your application associates with the V8 context and which can be "disconnected" (allowing your internal implementation object to be freed) when OnContextReleased() is called for the context.
If V8 is not currently inside a context, or if you need to retrieve and store a reference to a context, you can use one of two available CefV8Context static methods. GetCurrentContext() returns the context for the frame that is currently executing JS. GetEnteredContext() returns the context for the frame where JS execution began. For example, if a function in frame1 calls a function in frame2 then the current context will be frame2 and the entered context will be frame1.
Arrays, objects and functions may only be created, modified and, in the case of functions, executed, if V8 is inside a context. If V8 is not inside a context then the application needs to enter a context by calling Enter() and exit the context by calling Exit(). The Enter() and Exit() methods should only be used:
When creating a V8 object, function or array outside of an existing context. For example, when creating a JS object in response to a native menu callback.
When creating a V8 object, function or array in a context other than the current context. For example, if a call originating from frame1 needs to modify the context of frame2.
这段话非常重要!浏览器中的每一个Frame都定义了一个v8 Context,context定义了所有变量、对象、数组或函数等的作用域。如果你的当前本地代码拥有cefv8handler、CefV8Accessor 或者调用堆栈顶层的OnContextCreated()/OnContextReleased()回调,那么v8就在你的上下文中;OnContextCreated() and OnContextReleased()定义了一个与frame相关联的v8上下文的完整的声明周期,在使用这些方法的时候你必须要注意一下几点:
a. 不要持有或使用一个v8上下文传递给OnContextReleased()调用
b. 所有的v8上下文对象的声明周期是不确定的,所以,当你直接从v8对象中保存一个引用到你的内部实现中的时
候,千万要小心。 最好使用与你应用程序相关联的一个代理对象的v8上下文。
i. 当在context外部创建数组、对象或函数的时候,例如在响应本地菜单回调函数中创建一个js对象的时候。

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